The concept of mobile computing and mobile databases is generated, and it is a hot research field.
Crisis events take place frequently in recent years and crisis management become a hot research field.
How to use data mining techniques for customer relationship management has become a hot research field.
Finally, it is pointed out that the high dimensional index is a hot research field in spatial databases.
Currently the ant tribe phenomenon has attracted wide society attention and become a hot research field.
The effective tracking for dim target in low SNR image sequences has become a hot research field in recent years.
Question Answering is a hot research field in Natural Language Processing, which includes many kinds of NLP technology.
The intelligent composite with self-diagnose and self-healing function has become a hot research field on advanced materials.
Meanwhile, the research focused on data integration is one of most hot research field, which represents some theoretical value.
Thus the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV), which serves as a platform for marine exploration, will become a hot research field.
The performance based design approach to building fire protection is a hot research field in current foreign fire science research.
Therefore, it becomes a hot research field to screen and develop antiviral activity from microbe for controlling plant virus disease.
In mobile AD hoc networks, how to stimulate selfish nodes to participate in the network cooperation is currently a hot research field.
With the increase of Marine development and construction of large hydraulic project, wave theory has increasingly become a hot research field.
The automatic question and answering system(QA)is a hot research field in natural language understanding, which includes mang kinds of NLP technologies.
The automatic question and answering system (QA) is a hot research field in natural language understanding, which includes many kinds of NLP technologies.
Implicit leadership theory in recent years is is a hot research field of Western psychology, and it is also beginning to receive the academic attention in China.
Active Power Filter (APF) is a good method for real-time harmonic elimination which has been developed since 1980's. The study on APF has become a hot research field.
Speech recognition is a hot research field of information technology. Its purpose is to realize the language interaction between man and machine to get rid of the shackles of the keyboard and mouse.
It is a hot topic how to construct a the suitable model to measure financial risk in financial research field at present.
At present, the work related to ideal flow scheduling system and packet scheduling algorithm for error-prone wireless channel is a hot topic in the research field of wireless communication.
Achievement goal and mental locus of control research is the hot spots in the field of sports psychology.
The research of high speed transmission system is a hot topic in the optical communication field and one of the key technologies is channel coding.
The research on Polysaccharide is very important in the field of biochemistry, and it is becoming a new hot point.
How to improve software quality is an important research topic to all developer, and quantitative evaluation of software quality is a hot problem in the field of software engineering.
Systematic integration of shipboard sonar nowadays is hot in the field of ship electronic research, however, it is also a complex project.
The diagnosis of database features has remained a hot topic in the field of database research.
Information visualization is becoming a hot field of information intelligence science research at home and abroad.
Information visualization is becoming a hot field of information intelligence science research at home and abroad.