Che Yin's story began on a hot summer night.
In hot summer night, sleep on the table with a straw mat. However you cannot see the starry sky.
No air conditioner at home so on a hot summer night the whole family took their dinner onto the street to eat.
I know now that the man who sat with me on the old wooden stairs that hot summer night over thirty-five years ago was not a tall man. But to a five-year-old, he was a giant.
I know now that the man who sat with me on the old wooden stairs that hot summer night over thirty-five years ago was not a tall man. But to a five-year-old, he was a giant.
At a Starbucks not far from Shanghai's People's Park, the founders of one such club, which boasts more than 1,000 members, met on a hot summer night to talk about single living in Shanghai.
In the middle of an already hot summer, the urban heat island effect can be deadly, especially at night.
For a cheaper, although not quite as direct, method, journey north of the Arctic circle around the summer solstice and spend a night (ideally in a hot tub) watching the sun circle above the horizon.
In my hometown, summer is not very hot. The hottest days only last for about half of a month. In the morning and at night, it's cool still.
Difficult ot fault, only we were hot at night and as there was no air con I am not sure about summer.
Last night, and had a long autumn, the weather suddenly becomes cool, climate is not like the beginning of the August "Indian summer" weather so hot.
In fact, a friend who lives in the high-level, a little wind at night is not very hot, there are fan enough to deal with the summer.
To prevent the rooms from getting too hot in the summer, the rooms are cooled down at night via the exhaust air unit and the vents, the facade's elements, which can be automatically opened.
The life of social fulfillment is hard, stopping for the night a conditional lack, summer weather of blazing hot, there is also fulfillment process in various unexpected affairs run into.
You can take the kids. It's relaxing. You get your hot dogs, you get your drink. There's no better place on a warm summer night.
Everyone introduced due to the recent hot weather, the construction site to avoid the summer heat during the day, take full advantage from the night time.
The summer night was hot, so hot and still that through every opened window came in but hotter air.
A summer night on the West Lake remains very hot, and the water seems so boiled, but the water of the Qinhuai is always cool and green.
A summer night on the West Lake remains very hot, and the water seems so boiled, but the water of the Qinhuai is always cool and green.