"The Dormouse is asleep again," said the Hatter, and he poured a little hot tea upon its nose.
Jack and his family couldn't do much on the beach, so they went back to their house and made sandwiches and hot tea for the rescuers.
It just so happened that while she was sipping some tea, one of the cocoons that she had collected landed in the hot tea and started to unravel into a fine thread.
Anyone who wants a cup of hot tea must be prepared to fight to get it.
I sat alone on the balcony, looking at little green, and drink a cup of hot tea.
The school also provided sleeping mats, coverlets , bath facilities and hot tea.
And I'm bringing tea, you always want a good cup of hot tea under those cold stars.
LL: I guess you can't really chug a cup of hot tea, but what about a bottle of cool water?
冷的水当然可以了。 只要不是热的,其他饮料都可以一饮而尽嘛。
"True — true —" said the old man in alarm, and he began to take great gulps of the hot tea.
“是啊- - -是啊- - -”老人惊恐地说,然后就开始大口大口地喝着热茶。
Helen: This way, the milk acts as a protective barrier between the cup and the hot tea.
'the Dormouse is asleep again,' said the Hatter, and he poured a little hot tea upon its nose.
Fishing is not that easy. That's why fishermen drink hot tea and make themselves warm before it.
Pour hot tea in the glass, and then pour BOLS Melon and BOLS Triple Sec. Add lemon juice to taste.
My favorite bubble a pot of hot tea, and then sitting in front of the computer, doing your favorite things.
In Japan, a tea ritual in which Kimono-clad women serves hot tea singing traditional songs was very popular.
Special rest areas were set along the road to provide services including hot tea, medicine and motorcycle repair tools.
If hot tea or coffee left rings inside your favorite mug, you can remove those stains and make it look brand new again.
Enjoyed as an end-of-meal dessert or afternoon snack, mooncakes should always be served with a strong cup of hot tea.
Hot tea can let the body warmth, love long stories can let the heart touched, every blessing can transfer my feelings.
She cast her eyes down, toward the cup of hot tea she had ordered, though he had pressed her to have, like him, a real drink.
But most Americans still prefer to drink it iced, in many varieties, and have so far taken a different approach to hot tea.
Sprinkle some baking soda inside your mug and wipe it around with a damp cloth. Stains from coffee or hot tea will quickly disappear.
The white matt plastic exterior is pleasant to hold and comfortable regardless of whether the cup contains iced water or hot tea.
The British Medical Journal study found that drinking steaming hot tea has been linked with an increased risk of oesophageal cancer.
The Mongolians like drinking hot tea, so they usually drink the tea while eating Fried rice in the morning and leave the pot on the fire.
British tea in the United Kingdom in the greatest enjoyment in life, is to get up in the former Reliance pillow to drink a cup of hot tea.
Weekly lie down to rest, eat healthy food, exercise three times a week and drink hot tea with honey, going to the dentist, eat more fruit.
Beverages such as hot tea or coffee, wine, beer, carbonated water or soft drinks, and bottled or packaged fruit juices are usually safe to drink.
Beverages such as hot tea or coffee, wine, beer, carbonated water or soft drinks, and bottled or packaged fruit juices are usually safe to drink.