The costs of air fares, clothing, computers and hotel rates also dropped.
The average tourist this year has spent 5% less than in 2008, thanks to slashed hotel rates.
Hotel rates are 40 percent lower, and eating out is much less expensive, too, " he said."
Understand that airfare is always cheaper in certain months, as are hotel rates and nightlife packages.
And with hotel rates in the emirate under pressure because of the debt restructuring debacle, tour packages look even more attractive.
These converted residences charge a fraction of branded hotel rates, usually have on-site housekeepers and cooks, and offer the option of extended stays to business people on long-term assignments.
Within a couple of quarters, he launched the company's total price hotel venture, which lists accommodations by rates that include all taxes and fees.
I was going to cash it at the hotel, but one of my friends said that Banks always give better exchange rates.
From the Yahoo travel homepage, users can click on destination photos, travel guides and top destinations and land on hotel pages, where they can access TripAdvisor Check Rates.
In March, Google added hotel links to its Maps application, listing hotels with room rates available to some users.
TripAdvisor states that the direct contact information will appear "at the top of your hotel page under your property address and above the Check Rates box."
and, which sell hotel packages, have launched "mystery auctions," in which customers bid for hotel packages at discounted rates without knowing the property's identity.
销售酒店打包产品LuxuryLink.com和,则推出了“神秘拍卖”(“mystery auctions”)活动,让客人以折扣价格竞拍酒店打包产品,但事先不公开酒店信息。
M: I was going to cash it at the hotel, but one of my friends said that Banks always give better exchange rates.
His hotel, the Cheng Pao, is already a popular stop for Chinese tour groups, but he hopes a new influx will increase occupancy rates above the current 60 percent to 70 percent.
Now reviews will also help hotel rankings, click-through-rates (CTR's) and conversion rates.
现在评论也将帮助提升酒店的排名、点击率(click - through - rates orCTRs)和转换率。
Shanghai Bridge Hotel Management Co. , Ltd. Is pleased to offer the very special rates and conditions stipulated below.
Strong knowledge of hotel products, rates and marketing programmes.
This is where you need to find out how your companion rates the things you consider non-negotiable in a hotel.
The difference in talent quality, hotel facilities and management systems might be minor, while the disparity in occupancy rates is quite remarkable as caused by brand recognition.
Therefore, the rates available in the hotel are the same rates available at the local Banks.
Customer: I was going to cash it at the hotel, but one of my friends said that Banks always give better exchange rates.
If hotel stay involves both peak and off-peak rates, the peak season rate will be applied for the entire stay.
Room rates in Abu Dhabi showed the highest average rate reduction falling 25% due to a drop in occupancy and new hotel developments.
报告还显示,由于进住率下降和新酒店落成,阿布扎比酋长国的酒店房价下跌达 25%,跌幅全球最大。
I was going to cash at Beijing Hotel, but people say that Banks always give competitive exchange rates.
Other signs of excess are evident in the surging growth rates for hotel, recreation, and higher education buildings.
此外,其他一些动向也明显地反映了过剩问题。 例如,旅馆、娱乐和高教设施的建设都出现了急剧增长。
Other signs of excess are evident in the surging growth rates for hotel, recreation, and higher education buildings.
此外,其他一些动向也明显地反映了过剩问题。 例如,旅馆、娱乐和高教设施的建设都出现了急剧增长。