Timer is the most precious commodity I possess and the hour glass of my life is nearly filled.
Thus time and time's relativity are measurable by any hour glass, alarm clock, or atomic clock that can measure a billionth of a second.
No matter what exact density you choose, it is important to place keywords so that there are more at the beginning and end to produce an hour glass effect.
Each employee was given a biscuit and a cup of tea, guided to a workstation and within half an hour started a 12-hour shift fitting glass screens into beveled frames.
We looked at the magnificent glass pyramid, the restored and adapted old buildings, and the excavated Roman ruins for more than an hour and a half.
At happy hour, you pour a glass of wine from bottles set out in the common area.
Half an hour prodding soil will reduce office stress far more effectively (and cheaply) than a glass of chardonnay.
A TANGY sweet smell wafts through a factory south of Baghdad as 1 tonne of brown goo per hour is funnelled into glass bottles for transporting to local supermarkets.
Taylor's Hour-Glass Figure Was exaggerated.
Salarino: my wind, cooling my broth, would blow me to an ague, when I thought what harm a wind too great might do at sea, I should not see the sandy hour-glass run.
Cinderella's wardrobe may be brimming with ornate glass slippers but it's her classic hour-glass figure women are lusting after.
Things were pretty quiet after that for about half an hour, and then Charles broke a glass in the kitchen, and at almost the same moment, Mark fell out of the apple tree.
Alice spends more than half hour in making up herself before glass every day.
All were deprived of food and water for eight hours and then given a choice between having a glass of juice immediately or waiting an hour for the juice.
For more than an hour a scrawny guy sat at a bar staring into his glass.
TANGY sweet smell wafts through a factory south of Baghdad as 1 tonne of brown goo per hour is funnelled into glass bottles for transporting to local supermarkets.
The happy hour passed quickly, and soon after midnight, Cinderella had to leave, and a Glass slipper was left between the in a hurry.
Tis visible silence, still as the hour-glass.
When glass breaks, the cracks move faster than 3, 000 miles per hour. to photograph the event, a camera must shoot at a millionth of a second.
When glass breaks, the cracks move faster than 3, 000 miles per hour. to photograph the event, a camera must shoot at a millionth of a second.