Goofy's in the driver's seat, Mickey's in the kitchen, and Donald's in bed in Mickey's high-tech house trailer.
She was reportedly met 42-year-old Jamie Pagett, a surfer and an electrician at a trailer park where Pamela was staying while her house was being remodeled.
The store sits atop a 24-foot-long (seven-metre) trailer that originally was intended to carry a tiny house. Eight feet (2.4 metres) in width, the enclosure is made of steel, wood and glass.
At present, the company has already formed the products such as van, dumping car, store house bar car, semi - trailer, etc. 4 major series and more than 30 varieties.
Mr. Urquhart said that the suspects might have lived on the same property, which included a house and a single-wide trailer on several acres.
I noticed in your astonishing trailer that you no longer use scaffolding to plan what kind of a house you would build.
The FEMA federal trailer parks that house many Hurricane Katrina victims are set to close May 31 prompting fears that people will be forced into residences they can't afford or will be left homeless.
The FEMA federal trailer parks that house many Hurricane Katrina victims are set to close May 31 prompting fears that people will be forced into residences they can't afford or will be left homeless.