Household registration system; Urbanization; Villages inside cities.
This mainly includes:the establishment of a unified urban and rural household registration system;
The over40-year household registration system like an invisible ribbon hampers the free migration of people.
The bank suggests that phasing out the household registration system would encourage more people to move to the city.
The emergence of the household registration system, people is divided into the urban residents and rural residents.
Population concentration is affected by many factors, among which the household registration system is a major one.
The diadactic structure of the household registration system made people's free migration to towns and cities difficult.
Household registration system is a basic social system that is about population management and allocation of social resources.
Debate has increased over the household registration system in recent years, with some academics calling for it to be abolished.
Policy suggestions are discussed in terms of management of floating population, household registration system, and urban labour market.
The existing household registration system, which has been practiced for more than 40 years, like an invisible ribbon, is hampering the free flow of people.
China's household registration system, set up in 1958 to control its citizens' movements, divided its countrymen into two groups: urban and rural residents.
In the author's view, the push and pull model in China is quite different from that in other countries, the major difference being the household registration system.
Since Harbin was the first liberated big city, the household registration system of Harbin liberated areas had a direct impact for China's household registration system.
Besides industry structure, dual system between rural and urban, household registration system, the backward rural lifestyle is an important factor that can't be ignored.
But there still exist many obstacles in the process of rural labor force transfer, in which the system of household registration system is the most significant restricting factor.
As the most important carrier of personal information, household registration system should be the field of the protection of personal information privacy as an indispensable research.
The Maturity of the household registration system has played a important role in consolidating political power and stabling domination, and also have a great impact on future generations.
During the traditional period, the commune system and other systems such as the household registration system were the primary factors that determined peasants' supply and demand behaviors.
Chengdu recently unveiled the details of a pilot program that will unify the household registration (hukou) system, effectively abolishing the differences between urban and rural hukou.
The bank suggests that phasing out the household-registration system would encourage more people to move to the city.
At issue is China's unique household registration - or hukou - system, which was intended to keep rural workers from flooding into more populous regions.
Compared with the foreign system of "civil registration", China's household system is greatly different in its guiding ideology, function and management method.
At issue is China's unique household registration - or hukou - system, which was intended to keep rural workers from flooding into more populous regions.
China's system of household registration, or hukou, makes it very difficult for migrants to gain access to urban education and health care.
The traditional household registration (Hukou) system is directly connected with land and used as an administrative management.
The traditional household registration (Hukou) system is directly connected with land and used as an administrative management.