User: Well, how about you do the easy 80% and make "the other 80%" into error cases?
Now, it's the third day of the exhibition. How do you feel about the exhibition?
How many minutes do you play sports? About Twenty minutes.
I hope you can recognize by my saying that how much you do know about the subject.
Firstly, you have to think about what can I do to respect the building and how can I bring it back to life?
The ability to do almost anything you like is powerful, but it can also lead to uncertainty about how to establish a standard approach to development.
You might think about how you would approach the acquisition process if you had it to do all over again.
As you pass someone, you can ask, "Hi! Do you enjoy doing these projects?" or "Do you have any ideas about how to do it better?"
Mr. Smith put his paper down, turned around, and said to the man, "Who are you? How do you know all that about me?"
How do you think animal lovers feel about the news?
Learn how waste in our oceans harms sea life and what you can do about it.
But how do you go about achieving all of these objectives?
Nabil: What misinterpretations do you think men have about women and how do you suggest that they change the way they think about women?
If you're constantly talking about how you used to do things at your last job or when the old boss was in charge, people will wonder why you stick around.
Instead, it's all about how you do what you're already doing - you create the practice in your work, which requires a few critical changes.
Journalist: Could you tell our audience your impression about Indonesia and how do you comment on the current Indonesia-China relations?
If an individual makes you feel bad about yourself, what you do, or how you are, then that person is toxic.
If, for instance, the test case with 100*40000 files fails, then how do you go about it?
例如,如果采用 100*40000 个文件的测试用例失败,那么如何进行相关工作呢?
How do you go about it? I want to focus on four things you could do.
The ability to do almost anything you like is powerful, but it can also lead to uncertainty about what you should do and how to establish a standard approach to development.
Now that you know the search engine information about your Web site, how do you go about telling it more?
It's about how much you can do, not necessarily what you're doing, or whether it really matters.
How about you? Do you struggle to mind your own business - or what are some other ways of trying to be less judgmental?
When attending networking events, ask others what they do and think about how you can help them.
This was a new effort for us at the time, so in 2009 I spent a lot of time trying to understand more about teaching: How do you identify the best teachers?
How do you adjudicate disputes about a text's meaning?
What do you Think? What does job security mean for you? How do you go about building a successful, secure career? Is entrepreneurship worth the risk?
You know lots more than I do about how to run a nonprofit. I can't fight you there.
If you are single, how (and when) do you go about addressing mental illness with a potential partner?
Often times, thinking about how you'll account for your actions gives you a lot of good ideas about how frequently you need to do those actions.