I'm not going to talking about how beautiful it is and how wonderful it is and how mysterious it is.
She was always combing her long hair, waiting for people to say how beautiful it was and how her skin was soft.
"How beautiful!" Dorothy said.
How beautiful the Shennong Lake is!
Wearing a swimsuit shows how beautiful we are.
Suddenly she threw both arms about the little goat and said: "Oh, little Snowhopper how beautiful it is up here!"
We are loudly applauded, how beautiful the pose is.
How beautiful are your tents, o Jacob, your dwelling places, o Israel!
I can endure it no longer, said he, how beautiful it looks when it stretches out its tongue?
How beautiful the long mild twilight, which, like a silver clasp, unites today with yesterday!
Today, my blind friend explained to me in vivid detail how beautiful his new girlfriend is. MMT.
Just the light of the sun. And yet how beautiful it was-how warning, how sparking, how brilliant!
But no matter how beautiful the scenery is, great, memorable vacations don't happen in a car seat.
I'm not going to be talking about how beautiful it is and how wonderful it is and how mysterious it is.
He heard how a child nearly fell into the lake, and how beautiful the girls were in their summer dresses.
For months, the news media and the public have swooned over how beautiful and fairy-tale perfect the bride was.
Their search engine will completely disregard how beautiful your site is, instead focusing on what's in your HTML.
搜索引擎完全不考虑您的站点有多么漂亮,相反,它们关心的是HTML 里面的内容。
They desire to show how beautiful and successful their villages look, thus wasting money on the unnecessary trifles.
As you move along your journey and are faced with situations that require further focus, remember how beautiful you are.
It doesn't matter how beautiful and elegant your Web application is, bad data security will bring your application to its knees.
At any other time, fear suffocates you and prevents you from knowing for yourself how beautiful you are and all you are capable of.
It entirely forgot how beautiful everything around it was, how warmly the sun was shining, and how splendidly white its own petals were.
On the lane to the hill, all kinds of wild flowers bloom in bed, purple, and lemon. They are either like flame or like horns-how beautiful!
In contrast to that, many of us live in cities, which can make it easy to feel disconnected to just how beautiful those unique paradises are.
She never saw the photographs, now kept at the Centre for Creative Photography in Tucson, Arizona, without a sense of shock at how beautiful they were.
哈里斯的照片现在都陈列在亚利桑那州图森市的创意摄影中心。 每次看到它们她都会为这绝美摄影所震撼。
No matter how great an architecture is, not matter how beautiful the code looks, no one really knows if the system will perform satisfactorily and if it will scale.
No matter how great an architecture is, not matter how beautiful the code looks, no one really knows if the system will perform satisfactorily and if it will scale.