Then how can we do it? What measures shall we take to ensure that the plan is carried out smoothly?
Just imagine! We have to finish reading 300 pages before Monday! How can the professor expect us to do it in such a short time?
It isn't actually known how many sites there are across Australia where rock art can be found—but unfortunately, we do know that much of the art is being lost to us.
We should think about how we can do it better next time.
Not only do we have system we can understand here, but it shows us how evolution could have tinkered with variation.
The third reason for developing a new language is the least convincing: People do it because they can, and their language mirrors their unique view of the world and how we should write programs.
Now we know how to identify an important vision and its scope, we can look at what we need to do to implement it.
Or if you underestimate how long something should take - and we inevitably do - you can still finish your key projects and call it a day.
It's a culture of 'having it all' and yet very few of us can do this, which is why we get defensive about how we are seen as mothers.
His most famous example was riding a bicycle: we can do it but without quite knowing how.
Since we believe there is nothing much we can do about anything that happens or how we feel about it, usually we simply stuff down our emotions and barrel on forward.
Then I concluded, how can we ask the moon to constantly shine so beautiful night after night if we as humans can not find it in ourselves to do the same?
Eating right is an important part of the bipolar picture, and by paying attention to how we do it, we can be happier, healthier, and feel better about our bodies too.
While we can't use a device to recreate elaborate and Shared dreamscapes yet, it may surprise you just how much existing technologies that read dreams and minds can do.
Self awareness is an invaluable tool so that we can learn from our mistakes and know how to do it right next time.
Because the measured code is highly predictable, we can use it to show how significant sources of delays and variability do not necessarily originate from the code you're measuring.
Since we believe there is nothing much we can do about anything that happens or how we feel about it, usually we simply stuff down out emotions and barrel on forward.
This begs the question, how many of us are addicted to social networks, and what can we do about it?
这就让我们不由得想问:究竟有多少人沉溺于社交网络? 我们该如何应对?
We're going to focus now on some passages where we can do it, and we're going to see how Beethoven is setting up some chord progressions here.
Since there are so many uncertainties, especially with regard to what human beings will choose to do and how large the climate response will be, "we don't pretend we can do it accurately."
Don't be afraid of ideas and approaches from outside your domain - we can all learn things, even if it's "let's never do it that way again...!", from how others do things and ultimately?
How Colleges Are Wasting Our Money and Failing Our Kids - and What We Can Do About it?
How Colleges Are Wasting Our Money and Failing Our Kids - and What We Can Do About It.
We can do this with the has_a and has_many methods in Class: : DBI, but I always forget how they work, so I wrote a little module to do it for me.
Now that we've added comments with Zend, we can take a look at how to do it in symfony.
现在已经用Zend添加了评论,接下来将查看如何在 symfony 中添加评论。
Now that we've added comments with Zend, we can take a look at how to do it in symfony.
现在已经用Zend添加了评论,接下来将查看如何在 symfony 中添加评论。