How can you say that when you don't even know for sure if we exist?
What? That's awful? How can you say that, Tony? Did you speak to the conference manager again?
How can you say that our customer service dept is not care about their customer's requirements?
How can you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article?
That's a very narrow-minded viewpoint. If you don't understand it, how can you say that you don't like it?
"How can you say that?" asked the surprised barber. "I am here, and I am a barber. And I just worked on you!"
If positive and negative are merely opposites, and they are in fact one, how can you say that being positive is any better than being negative.
Suffice it to say that if you have a feature and understand how the PDE will help you build plug-ins and features, you can build a feature and have it build all associated plug-ins at the same time.
You can never say that Massa has had no opposition from within his own team, having been paired in the past with two world champions, so how does he feel being up against another title holder?
That can be the biggest problem that comes from doing all your learning from books or Wikipedia: you may not know just how to say your newly-learned vocabulary.
Learn to say no, and learn how to tell people that you can no longer commit to doing something.
Live in such a way that one day you can look back and say that you did the best you could and through the example of your life, you showed others how to live.
Let's say you have two circles, and you want to fill only the non-intersecting sections of these circles. Listing 2 shows how you can do that.
This of course also means that you can make a conscious effort to photograph in the kind of light which will reflect what you want to say and how you feel about the subject you're photographing.
People say that the eyes are the door to someone's soul - if you can master how the eyes look, your photo will be even more powerful.
I'd like Amazon to challenge that thinking and say to the world, "how can you use this platform to create a new business model?"
So, no matter how you say it, this is always zero. So, in a way, this reinforces our intuition that del, even though it's not at all an actual vector sometimes can be manipulated in the same way.
Well, I wouldn't say that, but I do know something. So how can I help you?
Questioner: How can you say it is trivial and irrelevant? We've been saying all along that the past is the issue, and now you say it is irrelevant.
Also, if you are unsure about how to say it, remember that you can ask us.
She would laugh you can only say that in the future and not know how to take things to have, but also because you have to say is that too many commitments, so you just left.
Your accent, grammar, or how slowly you talk doesn't matter that much, as long as you have something interesting to say and can make yourself understood.
If you don't say, the teacher how can knows that you have a problem again and do you need help?
If you don't say, the teacher how can knows that you have a problem again and do you need help?