With Facebook, she could stay connected with her family no matter how far away they were.
Anyway, as I were saying, by analyzing these echoes, the bat can determine, say, if there is wall in a cave that it needs to avoid, and how far away it is.
But how far away these images appeared!
How rare, how unattainable, how far away it seemed!
How far away is the wombat from the leaf (in terms of grid squares)?
And guess how far away that is from his comfy office in Washington? Really freaking far.
The disparity between the two images is what helps us figure out how far away an object is.
Aircraft when flying over all can not help but want to shed tears: how far away from home?
Vone Frisch wanted to find out whether the dance told them how far away the feeding place was.
At two months we can move both our eyes together and begin to appreciate how far away things are.
The difference between these two different eye views helps us to judge how far away an object is.
You can also ignore perspective and draw all objects the same size, no matter how far away they are.
Distances don't really matter as relatives return home to be with their family, no matter how far away.
I suddenly realized how far away our films are from simple beauty, crystal-clear purity and passionate dreams.
You see the life that could be; but isn't right now. No matter how far away your dream may seem, believe this.
When it is time to go, Ryan asks if someone can please show him a map, so he can see how far away Katie lives.
That means they can be used to estimate quite precisely how far away they (and thus the galaxy they inhabit) are.
This allows users to see how far away their contacts are, introducing a whole new dimension to mobile communication.
Depending upon how far away you are from it, Nia is able to switch between gesture, voice and touchscreen mode in a jiffy.
Another way to try to nail down just what sort of signal you should expect is to look into how far away your local towers are.
A carpenter was giving evidence about an accident he had witnessed. The judge asked him how far away he was from the accident.
No matter how far away the event was or how long it lasted, I always came home at night so that I could be there when Chelsea woke up.
Macro series examines the correlation between the real size of objects and the size that we perceive depending on how far away we are.
By measuring the amount of red-shifting, it's possible to calculate how fast the galaxies are moving apart and also how far away they are.
While Po fantasised at length about being an almighty martial artist, his self-confidence wanes when he realises how far away he is in skill.
At this point the empty object should contain both versions of the mesh, and "know" which mesh to show depending on how far away the camera is.
So in your perspective, how far away for theoretical physics to achieve the dream made by Albert Einstein, it's called the Grand Unified Field Theory?
So in your perspective, how far away for theoretical physics to achieve the dream made by Albert Einstein, it's called the Grand Unified Field Theory?