Microchips can not only work for a pet's whole life but help lost pets no matter how far they've been away from home.
How far is your school from your home, Gina?
Could you please tell me how far it is from your home to school?
The 14 alleged spies deported from Russia and the United States vanished into obscurity over the weekend after landing far from home and facing uncertainty over how to restart their lives.
周末,14名遭到指控的间谍离开了美国和俄罗斯后消失在茫茫人海中。 他们飞机降落的地点可能远离自己的故土,如何开始新的生活也充满未知之数。
My dad was upset -- not the usual stuff that he and Mom and, I guess, a lot of parents worry about, like which college I'm going to, how far away it is from home and how much it's going to cost.
He told me of how he enjoyed seeing my family as they 8 rallied around me and I was saddened by the loneliness of that small family so far from home.
How far is your school (away) from your home? It's 10 kilometers (away) from my home.
Aircraft when flying over all can not help but want to shed tears: how far away from home?
He told me of how he enjoyed seeing my family as they rallied around me and I was saddened by the loneliness of that small family so far from home.
"How pleasant to hear the Common Tongue so far from home," he made himself say, "but I fear you have mistaken me." My name is Hugor Hill.
When i was young, I always thinking about how i can leave far away from my home to the world outside.
There is a strong international community here at MIT, so no matter how far you are from home, you can still feel at home here.
How far is it from your home to your school? It's about ten minutes' walk.
How far is it from your home to your school? It's about ten minutes' walk.