"' on the assembly line, people can sit and work for eight or ten hours without rest, 'he said.' If only we could learn that way, how good it would be! '".
And that could be good news: "If it changed how you saw the world, it would make the barrier higher for people to agree on what they are seeing and talk with each other," he said.
The data model is very detailed, it captures the "one truth," and you've spent months working on it, so how could that not be good?
Simulation is good when it helps you predict someone's next action, or to learn how to do things, but this could be an unfortunate side effect, the researcher said.
The sun feels good on our skin, it’s natural and familiar, so how could it be bad?
Most dieters are used to keeping track of what and how much they're eating -- this is good, but with a few tweaks it could be better.
My dear friends, how do you view the precocity in children? Precocity could be a good thing or a bad thing? Shall we encourage it?
I sat down with the pro there at the time and asked how long it was going to be before I could really start making good money.
Wouldn n't it be better, I thought, if we could study learning by looking at a skill people are practising anyway? And could we draw links between how people practise and how good they eventually get?
Wouldn't it be better, I thought, if we could study learning by looking at a skill people are practising anyway? And could we draw links between how people practise and how good they eventually get?
It could be a good time for you to take the chance to examine some of your more unhealthy habits and behaviors and try to figure out how you might be able to move beyond them.
The next day saw us all fishing another new area of reef, and we did not expect it to be as good as the previous day, for how could we ever top that?
While it's always good news when anyone with cancer gets the all clear, this treatment will need to be tested in large clinical trials to work out how widely it could be used.
'on the assembly line, people can sit and work for eight or ten hours without rest,' he said. 'If only we could learn that way, how good it would be!'
'on the assembly line, people can sit and work for eight or ten hours without rest,' he said. 'If only we could learn that way, how good it would be!'