Mae West once said: ' 'It isn't what I do, but how I do it.
But since people keep asking, I thought I would share with you just how I do it.
My managers always leave me a million or so to play with, and this is how I do it.
Ok. The dish we're making today is easier. It's called vegetarian stir-fried potato slices. Watch carefully how I do it.
To put this concept into practice, what I do is ensuring that I do something to improve each facet everyday. Here is how I do it.
Firstly, you have to think about what can I do to respect the building and how can I bring it back to life?
What I shall do in coming weeks is to look at how all of this actually works, how Marxists took up the baton and what the consequences of it all were.
"I know how to play chess, let me go and show these kids how to do it," he said.
"I know how to play chess, let me go and show these kids how to do it," he said.
After studying these products for several years, I wrote a book about how they do it.
It wasn't until we each went our separate ways that I began to learn how to do things for myself.
Just because you do gardening outdoors doesn't make it exercise, so I don't see how it matters.
I can show you how to do it if necessary.
Do I tell her how I feel or let it go?
It isn't what I say, but how I say it, and how I look when I do it and say it.
I do it manually because that's how you find the nasty logical security problems.
If I am to help NASA inspire a nation, how can I do it if I can't inspire a little boy?
I didn't have a parent around to tell me what to do if the toilet didn't flush but I remembered my mom using a plunger and I figured out how to do it.
I do not know how to explain it, but I said out loud: "Lord, I do not understand where you are, but I know you just healed my sister."
Since I have been asked by several of you, how do I know if it is a maximum or a minimum?
I can't rely on the user. I want to make sure I get a float in it, so how do I do that?
How do you go about it? I want to focus on four things you could do.
Oh, how do I know if it points in that direction on the opposite one? Well, that depends.
And yeah, I know you know how to do it, but let's think about what might happen if I wanted to do that.
I don't like to field 900 questions about how it works and why I do it.
I savored it then; only in retrospect do I realize how sentimental and propagandizing its language was.
I insisted that I already knew how to do it - I'd just done it - so why did I need to do it again?
I appreciate the folks who come up to me and say, "you know, J."D., I don't know how you do it. I tried to keep a blog for a few months.
I appreciate the folks who come up to me and say, "you know, J."D., I don't know how you do it. I tried to keep a blog for a few months.