You know how I feel about you playing sports and not studying?
So the direction that music goes can also affect how we feel about it, our mood about it, so I think the next question — I play another piece for you.
Think about how you would feel if your partner were to tell you, "Now I understand why you're so critical."
So I thought the shortest way was to go straight to Countess Olenska and explain — by the merest hint, you know — how we feel in New York about certain things.
I discussed with expectant friends how being pregnant or transitioning were similar in that in both cases, some people feel no inhibitions about trying to touch you.
Slim, I'm 83 years old now and I'm just full of aches and pains. I know you're about my age. How do you feel?
Student: I kind of, I feel like it also plays in a different way. And because of, you do talk about how you're systematically mislabeled by the fables that present love as magic.
So I don't know how people feel about taking-- maybe I'm turning you off by saying this-- There's going to be a lot of detail in this course.
Do you think I'd know the first thing about how hard your life has been — how you feel, who you are — because I read Oliver Twist?
I don't think it really matters what anyone says about it, it just depends on how you feel about it.
I asked the question "How do you feel about the power and influence you have with the people in your life?"
“I sure don't have the average job, ” Bradshaw said at the time, “but I know how depression and anxiety can affect how you feel about your work.
So I don't know how people feel about taking — maybe I'm turning you off by saying this — There's going to be a lot of detail in this course.
Although I apologized in person for..., I want you to know how bad I feel about it.
Dunn: I want to know what you've done with it and how you feel and what you think about and what's the impact you've had with people.
If you are not always thinking about the heart, but they do not love their own side of you, how can I feel lonely.
Catch yourself saying, "I can't", when you don't really mean it and instead try, "I can", and see how you think and feel about yourself.
"It's OK. I know how you feel about him. I just didn't know how to tell you after that, though," Ruth said, laughing.
GEORGE: Yes, I agree. I have some stock photos of some older people on hand. I'll try putting those in. How do you feel about the text?
Minmei: I know how you feel Rick. Sometimes you can't be happy unless you do what you dream about.
I don't know how you feel about reading it, but I've always thought that this was the most touching love story I have ever told in my life.
It's going pretty well, already I feel better. how about you though? Isn't it hard being a vegetarian?
I was just wondering, how do you feel about your national soccer team making it to the FIFA World Cup of 2010?
Complaints from the three wives ranged from, "I can't connect with you emotionally" to "I don't feel like you're there for me" to "you never care how I feel about anything."
Dad: Ella, you are amazing. I think you just made his day. I think you just made his week. How do you feel about what you did?
I know the best way to do that is to feel good about yourself and the world around you. How we start our days off can have significant impact on how we show up and our quality of life.
I fully understand that's how the game works, I've been in the business too long to not, it's just a bummer to see it happen to movie you feel so strongly about.
I fully understand that's how the game works, I've been in the business too long to not, it's just a bummer to see it happen to movie you feel so strongly about.