When the Lumière Brothers and other pioneers began showing off this new invention, it was by no means obvious how it would be used.
You'd have to bring the tone down, and I don't know how it would be.
I knew how it would be; your irregular life will soon be the ruin of you.
It was only one evening. It wasn't like this was how it would be every night!
So I wondered how it would be having real Chinese food in China - all the time.
If you are tired smile, you can sit down and rest, a cup of coffee, how it would be nice.
This does not affect the service provider's implementation or how it would be translated to an SOA solution.
Now once you found the real reason, can you give him alternates and ideas as to how it would be okay to share?
This does not affect the service provider's implementation or how it would be translated to a platform solution.
Now imagine how it would be to make this time available for something really important, like understanding yourself.
And you could've referred to it there's a movie how it would be a Hollywood movie called Jezebel with Betty Davis, remember?
And when I sat down to write my next piece I found myself hesitant, unsure of my writing, concerned about how it would be perceived.
When the Lumiere Brothers and other pioneers began showing off this new invention, it was by no means obvious how it would be used.
She wondered how it would be to wear jeans like a man and ride astride a horse, or to be allowed to socialize with anyone she pleased.
So we thought about how it would be to have real people making wine for real people, not a wine made by experts to pseudo-connoisseurs.
Of course, the game is still very much in development and so we had to make decisions about what to put in the videos and how it would be presented.
Third, the Peking Opera contribute to good health, some people will skepticism, Peking Opera is an art form, how it would be beneficial to the body?
The recent, and still ongoing downtime of PSN shows us quite clearly how it would be once the PSP is dead, and possibly no longer supported by Sony.
We all worked together, listening to each sentence, imagining how it would be received in the Congress and in the country, and improving the language.
Prime Minister Brian Cowen couldn't tell us how much the bailout would be, how it would be drawn down, how long it would take to get us back on track.
Rothberg was provoked to consider how it would be possible to "see" biological and chemical information and transfer it quickly into the digital world of computers.
Imagine how it would be to live your life, work, interact with people, read, watch TV, travel or do anything else, without thoughts and worries claiming your attention.
I practiced my speech in front of a video monitor, did a walk-through of how it would be staged, received instruction on where to stand, where to wave, and how to best use the microphones.
I see how it would be perfect in the cases where you CAN compose your whole root at the start of the application, or in something like MVC where the IoC engine is used per request by the framework.
Imagine how frustrating this game would be if, just as you began to play it, an invisible sniper shot you dead every time.
It would be very nice if we had a true figure of how many people in this country haven't got a job.
It would be interesting to discover how many young people go to university without any clear idea of what they are going to do afterwards.
I wish I could say another time would be okay, but you know how it is, everybody's already got commitments for the whole semester.
I wish I could say another time would be okay, but you know how it is, everybody's already got commitments for the whole semester.