Having arrived I asked: 'How long ago was this house built?
How long ago was that? It wasn’t some slick move, if that’s what you mean.
The Main page which shows the last available test run and how long ago it was.
It finds c1 in the free connection pool, and checks how long ago it was created.
Belong to former memory, to a heart-to-heart meet, I don't know for how long ago in Buddhism.
The Mesopotamian civilisations, not matter how long ago they started, have been dead for a long time.
The ultraviolet light could make it possible to determine how long ago oil had washed up in a given region, Kirby said.
Herbert-Read says the next stage of the research would be to find out how long ago in fish evolution these rules evolved.
You don't really want to know how long ago that was, but to give you a rough idea — I wrote it while wearing my bellbottoms.
A statistical technique used in glottochronology; used to estimate how long ago different languages evolved from a common source language.
For a body that has lain for more than a few days, guesswork is the best forensics can do in telling us how long ago a person was murdered.
The trouble with tradition is that, no matter how long ago a story was made up, it is still exactly as true or untrue as the original story was.
They can also tell how long ago the stellar bomb went off by measuring how much its light has been stretched to longer, redder wavelengths by the expansion of space.
This means, among other things, that when biologists have calculated how long ago two lineages diverged by assuming change is regular, they may have their dates wrong.
So somewhere deep within the DNA is the remembrance and recollection of whole and complete love or full spectrum consciousness, no matter how long ago that it was lost.
A well-loved story tells how long ago during the Eastern han Dynasty (25-220 AD) a doctor named Zhang Zhongjing travelled back to his hometown in the county of Nanyang.
良好的爱的故事讲述不久前在东汉(公元25- 220年)命名的医生前往张仲景回到家乡在南阳县。
Mrs Pipchin reappeared a little before the Apothecary, and a little after the good young woman whom Paul had seen cleaning the stove on that first morning how long ago it seemed now!
The result is a profile that is often characteristic of a particular type of reactor or centrifuge, and sometimes of an individual machine—and can also indicate how long ago the processing took place.
This was how things worked not very long ago.
Some years ago I knew a woman who taught me in her quiet way to never quit no matter how long seem the odds against healing.
Militarylasermen figured out a long time ago how to build really, reallystrong ray guns.
Many of the things that matter most were decided long ago - what kind of education a parent got, what kind of spouse he wound up with and how long they waited to have children.
Everyone knows that holidays like Christmas and Chinese New Year began a long time ago. But how about Valentine's day? -that holiday of chocolate and CARDS and Cupid?
Both satellite galaxies resemble the ones that smashed together long ago to create giant galaxies like our own, so the discovery helps illuminate how such galactic building blocks formed and evolved.
A week ago - (" a little more cheese, waiter ") -a week ago I grieved for the dying summer. I wondered how I could possibly bear the waiting-the eight long months till May.
A magician on a cruise liner had a parrot, who'd seen all the magician's tricks a million times, long ago having figured out how the magician made everything in the act disappear.
A magician on a cruise liner had a parrot, who'd seen all the magician's tricks a million times, long ago having figured out how the magician made everything in the act disappear.