His genius was to understand what he needed and work out how to obtain it, however long it took.
The rest of the article will discuss how quickly context is lost, how long it takes to restore it, and what effect it has on the quality of your work.
Scientists only have a three-month window to work each year before the long winter sets in, and that window can be shortened by how hard it is to get there.
Sargent's work showed how the public and banks adjusted to the change through a gradual learning process, explaining why it took a long time for inflation to come down.
The product doesn't need to be great; it just has to basically work. And, the market doesn't care how good the team is, as long as the team can produce that viable product.
Another great way to find out how important the work you're doing is, is to focus on how long-term of an impact it will have.
Similarly, when deciding where to live relative to your workplace, you care more about how long it takes to get to work in the morning than you do how many miles away it is.
I know them, and inside my head, they are talking to me all day long and I’ve got a lot of work to do to make them happy. That’s how it feels.
We wake up at a certain time, work on a schedule and scrutinize our performance on how long it takes us to accomplish things.
After two or three weeks of recording your processes, you should have a more accurate understanding of how long it takes you to do your work (and your not-work).
It is important to note that story estimation and velocity are all concerned with the amount of work there is, and how long it will take to complete.
You've already set your mind to 'becoming serious with someone'. You're not thinking 'Oh well I'll just see how things work out between the two of us in the long run and just take it slow'.
Recent work has begun to show how diet can affect gut bacteria in a way that has implications for how fat an animal is, and even how long it may live.
If you time how long it takes for that workload to work its way through the system, you will have an estimate for the maximum transaction rate.
I have to apply for a work permit. I don't know how long it takes to come through.
That's how long it takes to make a high quality production work in the real world for real clients.
One way to quickly find out how your IT peers find the work environment is to ask how long the typical techie has worked there.
Not long ago, some neighbours stopped to watch a training session and asked me how I could get the dog to work so well and for so long without giving it some praise or reward.
Mrs. Lester could not work out how it had taken them so long to get there, even taking the fog into account.
How can I be so brash to suggest the long run has such wide-reaching benefits for achievements so diverse?Easy. I see it work every year.
How to do this work excellently has become the focus of each oilfield enterprise and many oil extraction factories are keeping researching or investigating it since long before.
But as to how to practice the theory in our daily teaching work, and how to make the students understand and know how to use it, we still have a long way to go.
A young but earned Zen student approached his teacher, and asked the Zen Master: "If I work very hard and diligently how long will it take for me to find Zen?"
A young but earned Zen student approached his teacher, and asked the Zen Master: "If I work very hard and diligently how long will it take for me to find Zen?"