Exactly how many copies of this premier issue Ray had had printed up, I can't remember: maybe 1,000?
After a user asks to print, we don't have to ask him how many copies he wants or whether the image is landscape or portrait.
Dynamic placement is a facility in which the XD autonomic managers determine how many copies of an application server are appropriate within a cluster.
In the most detailed view, you could give users the ability to note where they acquired the card, how much they paid for it, its current market value, and how many copies they have.
When we had done discussing the merits of the latest book, it was natural to wonder how many copies had been sold, what advance the author had received, and how much he was likely to make out of it.
Use the documentation and your own knowledge about how the core JSTL tags are used (since the siteedit tag copies many of these tags).
If the default installation path is already in use, the path has _xx added to it, where _xx are digits, starting at 01 and increasing depending on how many DB2 copies you have installed.
如果默认安装路径已经在使用了,路径后面就会加上_ xx,_ xx是从01开始的数字,根据已经安装的DB 2拷贝数量递增。
Now, nearly a thousand copies later, I have so many stories of people telling me how much they were blessed by my books.
现在呢? 它已经卖出了一千多册,而人们也纷纷告诉我我的书给他们带来了多大的福气。
How about the Mitsubishi press, which took 300 copies to reach ok sheet, then how many times of ink key need to adjust in between these 300 impressions.
A local library chooses how many digital copies to purchase and that limits the number of users who can borrow thee-book at one time.
A local library chooses how many digital copies to purchase and that limits the number of users who can borrow thee-book at one time.