AND KZ Donated 50% or something close to that, of his donate to a children's donation center... How nice of a guy is this to steal from?
It would be very nice if we had a true figure of how many people in this country haven't got a job.
No matter how much we earn, no matter how much we have in the bank, no matter how nice our clothing or cars or toys, none of it will make us happier.
We decided it wasn't quite what we wanted, but it served as a nice functional example and gave us lots of ideas on how to construct our own.
The question is how do we come up with that nice line that passes smack in the middle of the points?
The episode is a nice parable of anxiety-management; it shows how trying too hard to avert a danger can instead make it happen.
But that's also nice, it lets you see how the recursive thing is simply unwrapping but the complexity in terms of the amount of time it takes is going to be the same.
Sounds nice in theory, however I bet you could count on one hand how many times issues of this nature have been dealt with by management.
That's actually pretty neat because there is a nice application of this which is to try to figure out, now we know, actually how to find the tangent plane to anything, pretty much.
This tutorial illustrates how to implement a nice animated menu using Mootoolsand some lines of CSS and HTML code ready to reuse in your project.
本指南阐明如何使用Mootools和某些在你的项目中可复用的CSS 和HTML代码行来实现漂亮的动画菜单。
If not, ask the Russians - they know some nice ways of how to survive the crisis...
如果你不知道的话,问问俄罗斯人吧- - -他们知道一些能够安然度过危机的好方法。
The other nice feature of this is that programmers don't need to worry about how the implementation of XMLString allocates memory.
这样做的另一个好处是程序员不需要担心XMLString 是如何分配内存的。
Besides, she adds, "even if I don't like skiing, think how nice [the gear] will look in the hallway of my apartment."
We've always had this idea of the American Dream: a nice house, picket fence. How has the definition changed over the last few years?
The next sections focus on how the standards could interact, and also the changes that might be needed or nice to have for some of the standards.
It's interesting how doing something nice for someone gets you out of your mindset. It can be as simple as helping someone across the street or buying someone dinner.
You won't see muscle definition or a nice six-pack despite how many crunches you do, because of the layer of fat resting on top of your muscles.
But it is a very handy way of thinking about, not just how to program, but how to break problems down into nice sized chunks.
This ensures that you have a nice, loosely-coupled application, regardless of how much control you have over things.
It's interesting how doing something nice for someone gets you out of your mindset.
It's nice to know the humble beginnings and compare them to how far we have come in the computing capability of a CPU.
Regardless of exactly how many acquisitions the tech giant ends up making in 2012, conserving cash is a probably a good starting point for rebuilding HP and making nice with investors.
So, if you wanted to know how long; an arch of cycloid is, you have this nice-looking curve; how long is it?
How about some nice juicy raw or pickled herring, or some toasted seaweed in a bowl of rice?
How about going to get a cup of tea, and we can have a nice chat.
As I walked toward him I said, "Hi, my name is Kevin and I'm one of the counselors. It's nice to meet you. How are you?
As I walked toward him I said, "Hi, my name is Kevin and I'm one of the counselors. It's nice to meet you. How are you?