Thee case has sparked discussion online on how to educate children to prevent them from being bullied.
An unprecedented training program has been set up in Chaoyang District of Beijing to teach migrant workers how to educate children, the China Youth Daily reported.
Because resources are scarce, the focus at her school is on teaching the parents how to educate their children.
Actions to make the environment safer and to educate children and adolescents on how to avoid drowning, burns and falls can help reduce the likelihood of their occurrence.
The first responsibility of every parent is to educate their children on how to live successful and rewarding life.
Parents need to challenge and educate children about how to be safe and back this up with practicing a variety of safety skills.
People are trying to work out, how do we educate our children to take their place in the economies of the 21st century?
The process and result of how they strived have become the frame of reference of social culture value and the real life textbook for parents to educate their children.
The process and result of how they strived have become the frame of reference of social culture value and the real life textbook for parents to educate their children.