They had received a $100,000 windfall and were agonizing about how to spend it.
So they live self - sufficient life with money but have no idea how to spend it.
Know how to make your money, how to spend it wisely and how to use it to your advantage.
You must figure out how your company will make money and how to spend it. You must identify what tasks must be done and who will do what.
"A lot of Chinese people have money, but they don't know how to spend it, " she says. "We are trying to build the whole bourgeois life.
It might be simplest to recognise that there is time and we make choices about how to spend it, how to spare it, how to use it and how to fill it.
There is a lot of financial advice to be had and everyone seems to have an opinion on where to put your money, how to spend it, and how not to spend it.
Communicate with children as they grow about your values concerning money — how to save it, how to make it grow, and most importantly, how to spend it wisely.
在孩子们成长过程中和他们交流关于你的金钱观- - -如何省钱,如何挣钱,最重要的是如何明智的花钱。
Kids today have a lot more than I ever did but they don't have any idea what it means to earn money and be careful with money, they just know how to spend it.
'in developed countries, children usually work while they study to gain experience and to appreciate the value of money and how to spend it,' Thaksin said. '.
And although the provincial premiers happily accept federal money—including the extra C$41billion over ten years promised in 2004—they fiercely resist instructions on how to spend it.
She found she did spend a lot less money because it is incredibly hard to predict how much cash one is going to need—she was forever drawing money out of cash points.
She found she did spend a lot less money because it is incredibly hard to predict how much cash one is going to need—she was forever drawing money out of cashpoints.
That gives them more time to absorb lectures via podcast or video, and frees teachers to spend class time coaching students in how to apply the material rather than simply absorb it.
It is odd that parents and children who spend a lot of time together still don't know how to communicate with each other.
Whether you can finish this task doesn't depend on how much time you are willing to spend on it.
It is hard to imagine how a person is to spend the whole life when only the head and hands are able to move.
As a bonus, it forces us to spend less and think more carefully about how we spend and what we consume.
This skill has far less to do with your education, than it has to do with HOW you think, and WHAT you spend your time thinking about.
If someone did something kind, tell them the effect it had on your day, week etc. If someone sent you money, tell them how you plan to spend it.
What was remarkable was how liberating it felt to be at a cathedral to consumerism like that and not spend a dime.
We tend to spend most of our time not worrying over how to make something happen, but how to keep things from going south once we've got it working.
As with most health benefits, it comes down to lifestyle, rather than how much you can afford to spend on products.
Q: How many years did you spend studying for your graduate degree? How many years did it take you to get your Master's degree?
Scientists will spend years analysing the image to better understand how the Universe came to look the way it does.
Recognizing – and focusingon – what is really important is critical to your success and that of yourteam; it is vital that how you spend your time reflects your priorities.
You should let the individual developer decide how to temporarily patch it and make sure he doesn't spend much time deciding.
You should let the individual developer decide how to temporarily patch it and make sure he doesn't spend much time deciding.