ABSTRACT: Count yourself lucky if you still have a few bottles of wine left over from the holidays and you might be wondering how you're going to store and drink them all and if wine goes bad.
摘要: 作为一种消费饮料,葡萄酒必然存在适饮期与保质期的问题。 那么,葡萄酒应该如何储存? 开瓶的葡萄酒与未开瓶的葡萄酒可以用同样的方式储存吗?
ABSTRACT: Count yourself lucky if you still have a few bottles of wine left over from the holidays and you might be wondering how you're going to store and drink them all and if wine goes bad.
地下室或酒窖中储存的精品葡萄酒在漫长的熟化过程中,可以获得更加微妙复杂的口感。 品质还可以的葡萄酒,在未开瓶的情况下可以保存一年到两年。如果是普通的日常餐酒,买来就直接喝掉吧。
ABSTRACT: Growing more and more popular, wine collection is one of the hobbies that can reveal your taste. The following picture shows how to store great wines.
ABSTRACT: Growing more and more popular, wine collection is one of the hobbies that can reveal your taste. The following picture shows how to store great wines.