It's typical to think that there's a big difference between a great idea and a terrible one, but actually the difference is only in how an idea is approached.
If you want to make a big change in how you're handling your anger, think about what you'll gain from that change.
You might think he woulda called up Harvey Weinstein and told him how to put Holden Caulfield on the big screen the J.D. Salinger way — which is to say deep, declarative, and deeply funny.
Before you storm the bosses' office to tell him what you really think, consider that how you quit can have a big impact on your future job prospects.
Lots of people experience an incredible sense of relief when everything they need to think about is collected in one place in front of them, no matter how big the pile.
Many and many a night this old Fox used to lie awake and think to himself how good that little Red Hen would taste if he could once get her in his big kettle and boil her for dinner.
There was good reason to think that the economy might have grown at 4% this year, but actual performance is largely governed by two big factors: what shocks occur and how policymakers respond to them.
It was a big mistake to think I could speak only to people watching on TV without regard to how I would go over with the delegates.
"I'm scared to even think about that because of how big of an impact it would be on my life," she says.
"Yes, I do think it's too big a focus," said Viniar. "I would prefer people to be focused on the success of our business, how well we're doing and how well our people are performing."
But I think what I really want to point out about his vote is not just how surprising it is, but that it is a very big deal.
Perhapss it was the Saturday when the big strawberry wore a daisy hat that Ibegan to think, how can I top this?
或许是在那个星期六,在一个大草莓上放一个雏菊做帽子之后,我开始在想:我怎么才能够超过它? ?。
Perhaps it was the Saturday when the big strawberry wore a Daisy hat that I began to think, how can I top this?
Collins: I think that the big thing is not his age, but his commitment, how hard he wants to work.
Fortunately, experts say small adjustments to how employees think about work can have a big impact on their workplace efficiency.
I remember reading this analogy of just how big the cosmos is and how we can't be so conceited to think that we're alone in all of it.
To answer the OP, the only big question I think we ever had on creating genders for all classes was how to best handle the female monk. And that's been solved.
I learned an awful lot in the Marine corps-particularly about, I think, how to treat people, lead people-which has played a big role in FedEx.
With vision and expectations of the dream came to Shantou University, 09 students of inorganic chemistry students how Lee can not think of heaven opened a case with her big "joke."
Some of us think we're eating enough fruit and vegetables, but it can be confusing to work out which foods count, and how big a portion is.
Nope, these are movies that tackle big questions like: what does it mean to be happy? How do we express love? How do we think about our responsibility for other people's happiness?
Perhaps it was the Saturday when the big strawberry wore a Daisy hat that I began to think, how can I top this? One dark winter night I woke with a vision of a snowman on a tray.
Ready to resign? Before you storm the bosses' office to tell him what you really think, consider that how you quit can have a big impact on your future job prospects.
I think if we want to make big achievement, it's very important to learn how to cooperate with other people.
Why do you think countries and cities compete to host mega events? How have these big events changed the host cities?
Why do you think countries and cities compete to host mega events? How have these big events changed the host cities?