Shows how to translate colors using a color matrix.
It is an ever-lasting controversial issue on how to translate novel titles.
Once we've completed the cycle, we'll then learn how to translate it forward.
In the next section, we will see how to translate this design decision into real, working code.
EAz sample code is available showing how to translate database strings to and from EAz enum format.
The gateway knows how to translate the data model into XML and tell Rails to save it to the database.
Its of great importance to explore how to translate the mood between lines both in English and Chinese.
Since its beginning, translation theories have consisted of restrictive guidelines on how to translate.
There is a deeper lesson in this somewhere, but I don’t know how to translate it to another person’s life.
There is a deeper lesson in this somewhere, but I don't know how to translate it to another person's life.
You just haven't figured out yet how to translate the information or recognize where it is in the library.
We have to teach our minds how to translate the symbolic characters we see into the language we understand.
What you need, then, is to understand how to translate a business process model diagram into a WSFL flow model.
Then, how to translate this novel into English, and how to transmit the implied meaning has become a difficulty.
This paper tries to apply Information Theory to the analysis of cultural translatability and how to translate it.
The aim of this essay is to tell us how to translate English long sentences into Chinese correctly and precisely.
By the way, how to translate this sentence: Could I add flavors to it by putting some chrysanthemum flowers or ginseng?
This dissertation focuses on discussing how to translate tour guide presentation, especially the culture contained information.
With the development of society, new ideas and words constantly appear. How to translate technical terms challenges translators.
An encoding in the context of SOAP is simply a set of rules that specify how to translate a specific data model to an XML Infoset.
Whether poetry is translatable and how to translate poetry are topics heated discussed in translation studies throughout the world.
Gene therapy is a topic issue at present. The most sophisticated point lies in how to translate gene into target-the choice of vector.
Refer to the code generated by Application Developer for examples of how to translate a rule’s query to a form understandable by a database.
请将Application Developer生成的代码作为示例,了解如何将规则的查询转换为数据库可以理解的表格。
They understand the tools available and how to translate them into virtual and face-to-face reference, reader’s advisory” and other services.
In a word, aim of this thesis is to explore how to translate political writings and give some suggestions on translation of political writings.
The programmer who implements the service chooses how to translate an API request into bits on the wire using RMI, CORBA, XML or a private protocol.
The question how to translate a time series into a symbolic series is briefly answered by the simplest binary partition and the concerning graphics.
So how to translate culture-loaded words accurately in translating Chinese classical literary works is a question which needs to be settled urgently.
This article has shown how to translate a document using XLIFF as an intermediate file format, explaining all the stages of the process with simple examples.
本文讨论了如何将 XLIFF 用作中间文件格式来翻译文档,并通过一个例子介绍了该过程中的每个阶段。
This article has shown how to translate a document using XLIFF as an intermediate file format, explaining all the stages of the process with simple examples.
本文讨论了如何将 XLIFF 用作中间文件格式来翻译文档,并通过一个例子介绍了该过程中的每个阶段。