Go back to basics, analyze what is it that you think potential partners would like and think about how can you match of yourself to those qualities.
We have a setup here, and I would like to show you how that will work.
"How many people in a position like that would reach back to a high school teacher and say, 'I'd like you to be there?'" she says.
And hey, mister, how would you like it if your wife walked around telling people that you need career advice but won’t get it yourself, so she’s getting it for you?
You may even have some prototyping code that you would like to migrate into an II CE connector, but you're not yet sure where or how to implement it.
Talk about how you would fit with the company rather than stating that you would like to learn something from them.
Before we describe the different types of queries and operations that you can perform on your federated system, we would like to first provide an overview of how a distributed query is processed.
So avoid saying things like "How could I lend you money when it is well known that you never return a loan" or anything else which would be perceived as a judgment.
How would you compare their preventive efforts to those that take place in other active earthquake zones, like, say, California?
How many of you would like to be able to get crap data like that and publish it?
That is awesome I would really like to see a game some day but they don't allow computers at Fenway Park Anyway, so how are you doing today?
At the meeting explain very calmly and rationally that you do not feel the relationship is working well and that you would like to explore why and how to improve it.
I will return to this weightlessness very shortly in great detail but before I do that, - I would like to address the issue — how could I determine your weight if I hang you from a string?
You want a plan that has specific goals for your job (what’s the best role for you next?) and your income (exactly how much would you like to be making by the end of 2009?).
That would be like living in the movie Daybreakers all the time, and if you saw that movie you know how much everything sucked.
If, during development, you would like Django to serve images, style sheets, etc., then see the link in Resources on how to turn that feature on.
Jeff: How would you encourage other companies that are looking at the barriers and obstacles to building a facility like this?
If I asked you to describe Scala in a sentence, how would that sentence look like?
So, how should you behave during a video interview? Chen said that candidates should prepare for theirvideo interview just like they would for any other job interview.
So I would like to fall in love many times this year, so that I may know how extraordinary you are when you appear.
Now that you have a good sense of how you have contributed and details to support your efforts - determine what you would like as a reward.
That's fine. It so happens I've been doing some research on that subject recently. How long would you like it?
How would you like to see me bring one in that dressed out over a thousand pounds?
The option you select depends upon the subject and how you would like that subject to be presented.
Q. Of all the live concerts that you have seen, which artiste's concert would you like to see again? Please also say how you feel at that time.
She would like you to thank your clothes for how hard they work and ensure that they get adequate relaxation between wearings.
How would you like to live in a country that experienced that rate of inflation in a day?!
如果要你住在一个一天就有那么高通货膨胀率的国家,你怎么可能会愿意? !
How would you like to live in a country that experienced that rate of inflation in a day?!
如果要你住在一个一天就有那么高通货膨胀率的国家,你怎么可能会愿意? !