More worrying for ba, however, is the trend away from conventional route networks based on big hubs to the AD hoc linking of airports by the low-cost airlines.
What is startling, however, is that they are seeing much higher AD rates on their new mobile phone application.
However, the steps involved in creating the proposal can be quite AD hoc, involving subject matter experts that are unknown ahead of time.
Significantly, however, Nielsen data also suggests that while a simple integration can be powerful thing, the impact is heightened if the placement is coupled with a traditional AD.
EMarketer expects that this drop will be short-lived, however, and predicts a 13.2% increase in AD spending in 2010.
However, now we have lost our confidence to predict people's lives in AD 2117 because everything is changing so fast even humanity.
Nicky and Alex fall in love for 3 years, however, Alex must return to work in a new AD waiting for him, while the 20-year-old Nicky will have to study at the university.
However, they may compile AD hoc regional statistic statements according to the actual need with the approval of their superiors.
Much of his spare time, however, was spent outdoors, either working on farms or roaming over the California valleys ad mountains which later became scenes for his novels.
Like translation, similar foreignization and domestication can be adopted to deal with cultural problems in AD language. However, foreignization and domestication here are of wider sense.
However, recent researches discovered that the rate of AD and VD decreased in these countries.
However, I noticed something peculiar - that my AD revenue from all my sites significantly dropped.
However, a number of stores have recorded poor overall sales by volume and the ongoing confusions due to the staff taking AD hoc absences will further worsen the situation.
However, in this area some local people deliberately chew betel nut in order to achieve the social prestige of darkly stained teeth, so the AD was understandably less than effective.
There is a difference, however, between casual, ad-hoc unit testing based on knowledge of the problem and structured, and repeatable unit testing based on the requirements of the system.
There is a difference, however, between casual, ad-hoc unit testing based on knowledge of the problem and structured, and repeatable unit testing based on the requirements of the system.