In the HSV color space, a new vector sorting method is defined.
Tongue images collected can be further processed using the HSV color space technique.
Two methods were given, which were based on RGB color space and HSV color space separately.
Then get the coarse shadow area where the shadow detection based on the HSV color space is only applied in.
Besides the HSV color space segmentation and RGB color space segmentation, the simple vector filter SVF color segmentation is studied.
On the basis of analysis and comparison of the existing algorithms, a new visualization method of trees using HSV color space based on IBR is presented.
The algorithm uses double rules to detect shadows:Rule 1 makes use of the character of HSV color space which corresponds closely to the human perception of color;
Based on TMS320C6201 fixed point DSP of the Intelligence Vehicle Machine Vision System, a road detection algorithm based on HSV color space is presented and realized.
基于智能车视觉导航系统平台,在TMS320C 6201定点数字信号处理器上实现了一种基于HSV色彩空间的道路检测算法。
By analyzing the algorithm based on the single gauss model to extract the background, one improved algorithm based on multi-gauss model in HSV color space is proposed.
Color information and local spatial features are combined in the HSV color space in order to obtain principal components by principal component analysis neural networks.
Measure color according to the numeric area of the normalizing parameter from three eigenvectors in HSV color space for the difference correlation among three eigenvectors.
It analysed the characteristics of shadow in HSV color space, so as to eliminate the shadow, and to remove the noise in accordance with the distribution characteristics of noise.
On the HSV color space, nearly equal good results could be obtained by directly setting the green chromaticity bandwidth combined with the saturation and brightness of the tree image.
Incorporating color distribution and spatial layout, this paper proposes a sequential Monte Carlo filter tracking face algorithm using color and spatial information in HSV color space.
With Euclid distance computed in HSV space, color image is translated into grayscale image, which segmentation methods can be applied in to partition the vehicle from the background.
The color division is carried out in HSV space; the math morphologic and close calculations are adopted to create communication area.
In order to solve this problem, an image retrieval method based on multiple color space was presented: the pixels in the singular regions were expressed by YUV and the others by HSV.
This thesis introduced RGB space, CMYK space, HSV space. All these spaces, HSV space is more suitable for human to perceive color. Also, this model has good linear scalability advantages.
To overcome the problem in RGB color model used to deal with video shot detection, proposes a method based HSV-color space model of scene cutting in video abstraction.
Most monitors use RGB space to display the color image. HSV space has many advantages in image processing.
Most monitors use RGB space to display the color image. HSV space has many advantages in image processing.