Shade: the inner most circle of colors represent the shade of each hue.
Shade : The inner most circle of colors represent the shade of each hue.
暗色 :色环中的最内圈代表各类色彩的暗色形态。
Tint: the circle of colors next to the hues represent the tint of each hue.
Tint : The circle of colors next to the hues represent the tint of each hue.
暗色 :色环中的最内圈代表各类色彩的暗色形态。
Tint: the circle of colors next to the hues represent the tint of each hue.
Tint : The circle of colors next to the hues represent the tint of each hue. A tint is the hue mixed with white.
纯色 :纯色是一种颜色最纯最亮的形态,是还没和白、灰或黑色进行混合时的形态。
Tint : The circle of colors next to the hues represent the tint of each hue. A tint is the hue mixed with white.
纯色 :纯色是一种颜色最纯最亮的形态,是还没和白、灰或黑色进行混合时的形态。