The note says that the gold is for the person who moves the huge rock from the roadway.
Their boat hit heavily on a huge rock and spilt into two halves. They had to find another one.
He reported about the huge rock formations and said there was no way to reach the valley below.
Tonglingqiao When walking across the Yingxian Bridge, there is a huge rock lying amidst the road.
We forded a lovely little creek, shallow as your hand, pearl pure lucid water, and got to the huge rock.
Certainly I'm not a good time manager. When the joyful days gone, all the huge rock was left on the beach.
In rock, the feeling with the setting sun brought wisp Heating, and even so I do not want the venue and from the huge rock on.
Boulder under the Provisional miles abyss, very dangerous, if you play here, not to please note, not involved in this huge rock on.
Take a photograph Tourists are standing on the huge rock of the cliff side; the most direct feeling is the greatness and steepness.
The mountains have gradually eroded to form a peculiarly spectacular landscape of peaks and huge rock columns rising out the forest.
In ancient times, a king and a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he did himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock.
Some scientists think it came after an unexpected incident when a huge rock from space hit the earth and put too much dust into the air.
There is no doubt that a huge rock did hit the Earth at around the time of the last dinosaurs and its strike coincided with their disappearance.
The great nature created such a huge rock, and the Naxi ethnic combinated with labor and wisdom made the big stone famous around the world.
This spot is hugely popular with Chinese tourists who flock here to be photographed in front of the huge rock which is featured on the back of the 2 RMB note.
这一景点深受中国游客青睐,他们蜂拥至此,在 2 元人民币背面印有的巨石前留影。放松身心、享受美景和开阔的视野,来一杯日落鸡尾酒或卡布奇诺咖啡再适合不过了。
Finally a passing pedestrian side slopes, the slope is a cloud-like sheep, a huge rock on a sat bit haggard old man embrace a whip, is overlooking the distant.
The continental slope is the key zone connecting the shallow platform and the deep basin. It is of the feature of thick slope margin sediments including huge rock blocks.
The third one is a huge rock hanging in the air. It is supported by three stone columns. On the rock even grows a water-elm, a national grade-2 protected plant, which is more than 10m high.
Glaciers may form in permanently cold areas, and these slowly moving masses of ice cut out valleys, carrying with them huge quantities of eroded rock debris.
The Earth's crust is thought to be divided into huge, movable segments, called plates, which float on a soft plastic layer of rock.
Beneath the Sahara are huge aquifers, basically a sea of fresh water, that's perhaps a million years old filtered through rock layers.
There, as elsewhere in the States, rock is currently in the midst of a huge syncretic surge toward a new idiom-and the Beatles' wildly eclectic spirit hovers over it all.
AT the heart of Ichiro Ozawa's constituency near Oshu City in North-East Japan stands the huge Isawa dam, built of rock.
While undeniably beautiful from afar, Mount Fuji close up is a huge slab of volcanic dust and rock.
This cooling liquid formed a very hard rock known as granite. Many centuries of rain caused huge rivers to move violently through this area.
But this is of HUGE importance if you really want to rock her world in ways that will make her forget any other guy she has ever been with.
Shale traps gas more tightly than other rock. To extract it, the shale is blasted with huge volumes of fresh water at high pressure, a practice known as hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking".
'Nevermind' became a huge success for Seattle-based grunge-rock band Nirvana, whose lead singer Kurt Cobain committed suicide in 1994. The album sold over 10 million copies in the US alone.
'Nevermind' became a huge success for Seattle-based grunge-rock band Nirvana, whose lead singer Kurt Cobain committed suicide in 1994. The album sold over 10 million copies in the US alone.