The United Nations set up the International Day of Happiness in 2012 to remind us that happiness is a basic human goal and right.
It is perfectly all right, now and then, for a human to be possessed by the urge to speak, and to speak while others remain silent.
More than fifty years ago, the United Nations declared that literacy is a basic human right.
In order to describe human beings, he should keep the palm of his hand at a right angle to the floor.
My ten-year-old was growing and changing right before my eyes, into this determined human being with a passion and a mission.
PepsiCo has nevertheless become the first big company to declare its support for the human right to water.
From that viewpoint, banking secrecy is a human right and states that try to overturn it are overreaching their powers.
Peter Gleick: Probably my biggest concern is that I believe very strongly that water is a human right.
European regulations are inspired by the conviction that data privacy is a fundamental human right and that individuals should be in control of how their data are used.
It wants to strike a balance between the human right to health, and the right of health-care professionals to make their own career choices.
Civil society is now moving rapidly towards an agenda based on broad health rights and social justice, embracing the human right to health as a focal point for innovative global health governance.
I'm talking literally about tribes — as in the kind of village-sized small groups most of us lived among for nearly all of human history, right up until the 20th century.
But the good citizen Aristotle goes on to say? Is not the same as the good human being right?
Right Way: Human body gets used to the same exercise routine and it gets bored with it.
Participants of the meeting that was held from 20 to 23 September 2003 declared Information Literacy is a basic human right to life long learning.
This year's World food Day theme, "the right to food," highlights a basic human right that is often ignored as severe food insecurity continues to afflict more than 850 million people.
The international human right to the highest attainable standard of health offers a starting point for ascertaining this essential level, including: WHO's "building blocks" for health services e.g.
As a human right philosophy of life, full of truth and goodness of human nature is not just educators or philosophers think about.
The administration compensation as a legal system serves to ensure human right protection and balance various interests.
The human right to development certainly includes the right to development, economically and in terms of productivity.
Finally, I want to stress that the human right undertaking is the common undertaking of the entire humankind, and calls for the active efforts by every nation for realization.
Without the production and supply of material goods, it is difficult or even impossible to realize any other human right.
Literacy may not be an inalienable human right, but it is one that the highly literate Founding Fathers might not have found unreasonable or even unattainable.
They confirmed that universal access to fluoride for dental health is a part of the basic human right to health.
Objective To study the morphologic features of terminal crest and pectinate muscles in human right atrium and discuss their possible function.
That is, each member gets into the integrated human-right society, follows and complies with rules of human rights, then their human rights will be respected and protected from being infringed.
The topic of "credit is the basic human right of poor people" brings out new models for studying the collimation and mechanism of small-sum loan.
Striving for equal education is a basis of protecting female 's human right. Ensuring everyone to share equal education opportunity depends on the reinforcement of the legal system construction.
Striving for equal education is a basis of protecting female 's human right. Ensuring everyone to share equal education opportunity depends on the reinforcement of the legal system construction.