Just think of how this very simple thing is closely related to dance, a key expression of human culture.
It is also true that it is difficult to think of a single such system that has not, for better or worse, been substantially modified by human culture.
Mitra admits that the analogies between bird culture and human culture are tenuous.
Books are the main carrier of human culture, a people who do not read is no root.
The force is human culture, broadly defined as any learned behavior, including technology.
You've read, or can imagine, the impact that the first Public Libraries had on human culture.
Sports, as a major component of the human culture, occupies important role in the human history.
Also I do more appreciate for your enthusiasm - take your dream to learn more about the human culture!
Groups of all kinds of talent here mature, scientific knowledge, human culture brewing here hatching, breeding, ah!
In the field of education It formed the confrontation of the doctrine of the science, the doctrine of human culture.
These photographs are a visual record of the world in 2010, where human culture made its movement into yet another decade.
We further deny that the corruption of human culture and language through sin has thwarted God's work of inspiration.
Dance Art is not only the manifestation of synthetic and rhythm of life sentiment, but only a carrier of Human Culture.
And in human life and human culture that is not a playful, fanciful conceit; it is a real veritable fact. — Malcolm J. McLeod.
Mathematics is an important component of human culture, and it has strong influence on society as a rational and profound culture.
Though birds and humans have clearly followed different evolutionary paths, birdsong culture can still inform theories of human culture.
The idea that humankind can look up at the Moon and poetically commune with its ancestors is probably as old as the human culture itself.
The epic is a bright pearl in the history of human culture. Lt is mirror through which we can understand a nation's history, culture and customs.
Human culture, therefore, overflows with afterworld narratives, and in some cases these have become rich in specific details, textures and landscapes.
Animals that Changed the World, a book about animal domestication, stresses that dogs have held a privileged status within human culture for thousands of years.
The natural properties and human culture properties of the origin as well as the subject - object relation between instruments and human are also discussed.
"Another expert interviewed in the PBS program says," I don't think people realize how much having dogs around has affected the evolution of human culture and civilization.
Another expert interviewed in the PBS program says, "I don't think people realize how much having dogs around has affected the evolution of human culture and civilization."
Despite the constancy of these primal urges human culture has experienced upheaval after upheaval in the period since our hunter-gatherer forebears roamed the savannas.
Every human culture studied makes music, and human babies are born loving music, yet the old saw notwithstanding, music will do nothing to soothe the average nonhuman beast.
Every human culture studied makes music, and human babies are born loving music, yet the old saw notwithstanding, music will do nothing to soothe the average nonhuman beast.