Objective To explore the ethical problems of human embryonic stem cells research.
Two research teams in the US and Japan have made embryonic stem cells – or something very like them – directly from human skin cells, without having to destroy an embryo in the process.
And the availability of IPS cells neither obviates the need for embryonic stem cell research nor replaces human subjects.
Embryonic stem cell research is controversial because human embryos are destroyed in order to obtain the cells capable of developing into almost every tissue of the body.
Many discoveries with other cell types... would not happen without ongoing research in human embryonic stem cells.
Both basic research and clinical application of human embryonic pluripotent stem cells were hindered by these 3 basic problems.
However, a great debate on ethics has also arisened all over the world on the research of human embryonic stem cells.
Human embryonic stem cells can be induced to differentiate into all kinds of cells in vitro to be applied to clinical medicine and scientific research.
Scientists in South Korea and America report that they have created human embryos through cloning and extracted embryonic stem cells, the universal cells that hold great promise for medical research.
Scientists in South Korea and America report that they have created human embryos through cloning and extracted embryonic stem cells, the universal cells that hold great promise for medical research.