However, many rare and endangered plants are on the verge of extinction due to serious eec-environmental damage caused by impact of nature and human factors in recent years.
The risk of damage depends on many factors, but typically includes the design of the pipeline, the environmental conditions, and the intensity of adjacent human activities.
Environmental fragility is only the premise of severe soil degradation, but vegetation damage induced by destructive human-soil interaction is the key driving force, or "the last straw".
The environmental damage caused by human has resulted in more and more serious global environmental crisis.
So, it is quite important to study the mechanisms of heavy metal damage and tolerance of plants for the environmental safety and health of human being.
The occurrence of environmental risk accident will bring human society and natural environment destruction, damage and devastating consequences through the environmental media.
Lead is a ubiquitous environmental pollutant, which causes great damage to the human health.
Its advantages are less quantity to be treated, low cost and less environmental pollution and damage to human body.
The natural non-environmental damage plant extracted liquid can make no pollution to human, to things or to the environment.
The natural non-environmental damage plant extracted liquid can make no pollution to human, to things or to the environment.