Let's protect the birds habitat and our human habitat together.
Rural human habitat forest is becoming the core of the rural greening all over the world.
Because Changchun is modern urban that belongs to human habitat, and urban ecosystem is affected greatly by human.
The emotion is reflected on the human habitat environment and has formed the cultural landscape represented by"Mazu Culture".
In addition to their battering of human habitats-cities and residential neighborhoods-hurricanes cut a destructive swath through migratory bird habitat.
In recent years, a more proactive version of environmental design known as "green building" has attempted to conserve or rehabilitate the environment, while providing a comfortable human habitat.
Countless species have disappeared due to over-hunting, habitat destruction and habitat fragmentation, pollution and other unnatural human causes.
Although the chytrid fungus and other diseases can spread naturally among frogs, Blaustein noted that human destruction of their habitat is also to blame.
In general, reddish egret Numbers have declined due to human encroachment and habitat loss.
The species' decline is driven primarily by loss of forest habitat to palm oil plantations and other human land use, according to IUCN.
He added that hydropower operations, mining and other human activities are additionally taking over caribou habitat.
Chimpanzees are undoubtedly successful hunters, but the "wars" seen between neighbouring bands seem to have been brought on by human encroachment on their habitat rather than original sin.
The real extinction problem, he says, is human population pressure: habitat destruction, pesticide abuse, overharvesting, and species invasion.
Rupp came to the realization that she and the rats Shared the urban habitat; it was because of human behavior that the rats were thriving.
Birds are also suffering as human demand for farmland intensifies-especially with a soaring demand for biofuels decimating bird habitat.
Though human access to crane habitat in Wood Buffalo is restricted, predators like birds, wolves, and bears can rob the flock.
Many are endangered and in places that are threatened by pollution, habitat loss and other human-related problems.
Mining and human migration there threaten critical habitat for the okapis, but for now, they persist in quiet mystery. —Amanda Fiegl
The giant pandas' naturally slow breeding rate prevents a population from recovering quickly from illegal hunting, habitat loss, and other human-related causes of mortality.
Human disturbance, slope aspect, the density of fall log and stub and rock percent sum up the main habitat characteristic of the forest musk deer.
From the architect. As human beings (ourselves) are detached from civilization to access a lifestyle of scanty materials, our inner animality generated from primitive natural habitat is emancipated.
Many great apes end up on the list, as their habitat is continually under threat from human activities.
The giant pandas ' naturally slow breeding rate prevents a population from recovering quickly from illegal hunting, habitat loss, and other human - related causes of mortality.
This is coupled with unparalleled destruction of habitat for wild animals and decimation of their populations for bush meat, pharmaceuticals, research, entertainment, and other human USES.
A native (indigenous) species is one that occurs in a particular region, ecosystem, and habitat without direct OR indirect human actions.
Human beings mainly affect bat's species, Numbers and distribution through habitat, food and so on.
With the number of wood rugby reduced habitat area decreased, but the wood is still the dominant species rugby, rugby describes the wood species become rare human deforestation is the main reason.
With the number of wood rugby reduced habitat area decreased, but the wood is still the dominant species rugby, rugby describes the wood species become rare human deforestation is the main reason.