Victims of human trafficking can sometimes get a special visa.
When we hear about human trafficking in India or Cambodia, our hearts melt.
The United States has promised not to give up its fight against human trafficking.
But critics say this business sometimes seems like just another form of human trafficking.
"I don't have any objection as long as it is not human trafficking," she told The Irrawaddy, anonymously.
We are combating human trafficking, especially in women and girls, through domestic and international law enforcement.
Aung Thein suggested the suspension of the law could be aimed at preventing human trafficking, but he described it as unfair.
The annual report was approved Friday at a meeting of Cabinet ministers calledto discuss the prevention of human trafficking.
Officers investigating human trafficking on cross-provincial trains said they suspect the children are being held in Shexian county.
A new human trafficking act in Scotland; and greater efforts to tackle trafficking within the business community and Labour markets.
"Often the victims of human trafficking are not aware when they cross our borders that they are about to be enslaved," noted Bershin.
In the years to come, ASEAN will make further progress on unified responses to climate change, human trafficking, and food and energy security.
Finally the conclusion can help us to briefly understand some facts about human trafficking and why I think it is an unethical business practice.
First I will explain the term and brief history of human trafficking to have a better insight about this issue and to clarify the issue properly.
Activists warn the longer victims of human trafficking suffer, the worse the physical and emotional effects will be, making recovering more difficult.
Deborah Sigmund started a group called Innocents at Risk. She says most of the victims of human trafficking come from economically troubled countries.
Human trafficking tends to get ignored because it is an indelicate, sordid topic, with troubled victims who don't make great poster children for family values.
Most of human trafficking actions follow the certain path, for instance most of south Asians go to Australia, I will discuss this as well as other countries.
Only 24 of 86 countries that responded to a questionnaire she sent out in 2008 indicated that those issues were a priority in the fight against human trafficking.
Only 24 of 86 countries that responded to a questionnaire she sent out in 2008 indicated that those issues were a priority in the fight against human trafficking.