As the humane care orientation deviates, the problem of humane cost arises.
Since this is a reserved land of humane care, we don't welcome too commercialized promotion.
Green: and the international "sig rail, the modern high technology and high feeling humane care organic integration."
The hospital provide" humane care" to the concept of human services gynecological practice ladies boutique brand essence;
The using of environmental protect material reflects the humane care, light and durable fabric follows the tendency of Times.
Design. International forefront design strategies and programs. Focus on humane care, your space should reflect your difference.
"Humane care" is more and more valued in the activities of the present medium communication. But there are still some mistaken ideas.
Mighty narration is a respect of the humane care, but life narrates and private narration should be listed in the row of humane care.
But the view in traditional medical model has obstacle the realise of humane care. So, it's necessary to advocate humane care in medicine.
The oil paintings arouse the necessary humane care and spiritual exploration in the contemporary society with their realistic creation means.
And in the course of the show the traditional Chinese poet of the Humane Care and poetic free spirit of the inherent personality temperament.
To practice humane care is not a work accomplished in an action, it is a systemic projection which contains all the details from the very beginning to the end.
She pays attention to the treatment of personages and painting significance, striving to make each work have strong visual impact and humane care consciousness.
In this paper, with humane care as a guiding principle combined with my graduate work to convey a kind of marginalized groups on the bottom of society's attention.
They both have female weak, tough character, compassion, kindness humane care, and have amazing courage andextraordinary quality of perseverance when face suffering.
Technology application of a caress: minimally invasive green gynecological technology, sig is the modern high technology and high feeling humane care organic integration.
Results Humane care embody chiefly in warm nursing, humanity nursing, individual nursing, personality nursing and non_humanity management in the clinical nursing of old-age patient.
This paper elaborates means of humanized service for readers in library based on the view that humanization is valuable both to the assistants and readers from the Angle of humane care.
We wanted a warmer and more humane society, where people care for their fellow human beings, care for the less fortunate among us and take responsibility for each other and for future generations.
Humane Society spokeswoman Pam Wiese said the obedience-trained purebreds came into the shelter up-to-date on vaccinations and dental care and were well-groomed.
The Humane Society says that more people are leaving pets at animal shelters. This is because they have lost their homes and can no longer care for their animals.
动物保护协会(TheHumane Society)说,越来越多的人将他们的宠物交给了动物避难所,这是因为他们失去了住房,无力再照看他们的宠物了。
This paper analyses the relationship of digital library and showing loving care for humane. It points out the lack of showing loving care for humane in the digital library and how to embody it.
The particularity of medicine and the increasing importance of psychological care require that medical students be better trained in humane studies.
The particularity of medicine and the increasing importance of psychological care require that medical students be better trained in humane studies.