Fist part the introduction briefly introduces spiritual resources of Xu Zhimo's humanism thought.
With the advancement of the society, the Humanism thought was deeply rooted, which was a trend that had influence on every line of industry.
"The doctrine of the mean" is as one of the important composed parts of Lin Ytang's humanism thought is a very vital aspect of Lin Yutang's culture thought.
In this era, all kinds of schools in the field of humanism science have taken up their work to construct the new scientific idea and thought pattern.
Humanism is a long-established human thought and is one of the main clues that run through Chinese culture and history.
He advocated traditional spirit of education as a core of pedagogy axiology, namely a humanism education that is represented by Confucian educational thought that emphasizes morality.
For a long time Shakespeare's works have always been thought to be built on humanism in the academic circles of China.
Lizhi was the main representative figure of humanism in the late dynasty of Ming. His thought is filled with militant spirit against feudalism.
Originated from Bai Bide's new humanism, the theoretical construction of new poem by the classical poem school in modern China belongs to the thought of new classicalism.
He thought that human was the product of modern knowledge schema and knowledge and power rather than human explained by humanism and existentialism.
In college life, Hamlet is influenced by humanism. He is full of good ambitions and hopes that life is as wonderful as his thought.
In the field of humanism social science research, feminism is a social science thought which has great importance and strong wallop in latter-day times.
Firstly, the article introduces the background of Italian Renaissance, and the cultural current of thought in detail-humanism and the philosophy current of thought-Neoplatonism.
The humanism is not that the reason trend of thought becomes society trend of thought main current gradually.
The humanism is not that the reason trend of thought becomes society trend of thought main current gradually.