These measures are intended to humanize the prison system.
They encouraged the public festivals which humanize the manners of the people.
Lots of people, including cartoonist Adams, have tried to humanize the sterile cubicle.
Her speech will humanize Barack Obama as a family man while she tries to show up her critics.
Petrosky's words would humanize the story and persuade even the most jaded Senators to listen.
Using video could also humanize tech support, and group Settings could even initiate self-help between customers.
They could be used to increase the interaction of student and teacher, to humanize the educational process - but are they?
这一切原本可以用来促进师生之间的互动,使教育更加人性化- - -但做到了吗?
The point of using social media for your new hotel is to humanize the business and create an emotional connection with your fans.
The forth is humanize compensation mechanism, the traditional compensation is main material compensation, employee are the receiver.
In April came Show, a living work of art by Vanessa Beecroft designed to humanize media images of female beauty and thus somehow invest women with power.
And by the integrative and humanize designing, highrise complex maybe combined into urban Spaces organically, realizing the symbiosis of urban and architecture.
If a character wants something that would be harmful to your hero, then you need to explain why that character should desire it so and humanize his evil nature.
Marx and Engels putted forth a new nature perspective on the basis of discarding Hegel and Feuerbach's view of nature, which namely practical humanize nature view.
As far as the humanization of a natural object is concerned, the most common thing in China is to humanize the Mei flower. It is also the most comprehensive thing.
But knowing Summers background helps humanize an economist, who is mostly known for his combative personality and mixed track record with regards to the financial markets.
Guide a design with diversified design principle, attain an economy to turn as far as possible in the design, the ecosystem turn, humanize, harmless turn, intensive turn.
Our duty is to cleanse, to reconsider, to restore, to correct the evil without impairing the good, to purify and humanize every process of our common life without weakening or sentimentalizing it.
Our duty is to cleanse, to reconsider, to restore, to correct the evil without impairing the good, to purify and humanize every process of our common life without weakening or sentimentalizing it.