The sun beats mercilessly down in the humid air.
You'd better not air your quilt in this humid air.
Outside, the sun beats mercilessly down in the humid air.
By the time that Tess was dressed Clare was downstairs and out in the humid air.
Clouds form when humid air cools enough for water vapor to condense into droplets or ice crystals.
Glass mists up because of sudden condensation when warm, humid air comes into contact with a cold surface.
As hot humid air smothers most of the US, temperatures have reached record levels in many localities.
This is an extension to previously published results showing that insulators acquire charge under humid air.
我的同事和我发先铝 不锈钢 和其他的金属当他们电中性并暴露在潮湿的空气里的时候仍然获得电荷" 他说,“这是对以往发表现实电中性物体在湿气中可获得电荷的一种扩展,因此,空气是这类电荷交换的仓库。
The hot, humid air responsible for the heat wave farther north helped make the thunderstorms especially intense.
The results showed that the wood bunch can be quickly dried using high temperature and low humid air medium.
It is shown that the humid air enhances fatigue crack growth and increases embrittlement in aluminium alloys.
Under all experimental conditions the humid air at the saturator outlet approaches or has attained saturation.
Eider down feather can absorb the of 20% moisture in humid air, there won't be humid feeling when falling asleep.
Tornadoes form when the updrafts of air that supply storms with warm, humid air become a vortex, or high-speed whirlwind.
This is the voice of the mysterious swan in the humid air flight wings beat against the wind the voices of feathers.
Tornadoes form when the updrafts of air that supply storms with warm humid air become a vortex or high-speed whirlwind.
A humidification test stand can be used for study on cyclic humidification process of humid air turbine (HAT) has been established.
If the quills are not to be used immediately after winding, they are usually taken to a room to be conditioned with hot, humid air.
On the mossy bank of the river, in the humid air of early spring, the meadow is dotted with dancing music, and dazzling wildflowers.
In this paper, according to virial equation of state for real gas, the high temperature psychrometric chart of humid air is analyzed.
Finally, the characteristics of pollutant generation and emission for the humid air combustion of different types of fuel were studied.
One ndfeb magnets chemical stability is poorer, in magnetic drum in humid air, easy appear on surface oxidation gradually layered peeling phenomenon.
Land Formation and rivers China's land drops off in escarpments eastward to the ocean, letting in humid air current and leading many rivers eastward.
This rainfall is influenced by the southwest warm and humid air and cold air jointly as well as the rainfall and temperature decline will both be obvious.
After the research work of the present study, the profile of the influence of humid air on diffusion flames and combustor performance becomes basically clear.
The enthalpy of humid air is studied and is calculated by the ideal mixture model and real mixture model respectively, then the calculation results are compared.
The invention includes the following steps: the reaction is carried out by introducing humid air into the waste gas containing chlorobenzene in the presence of the catalyst;
Domain switching and propagation of an unloaded indentation crack for BaTiO_3 single crystal under residual stress and applied stress in humid air and water have been in situ investigated.
Domain switching and propagation of an unloaded indentation crack for BaTiO_3 single crystal under residual stress and applied stress in humid air and water have been in situ investigated.