I hung up the phone and drove my computer to a small, friendly repair place I'd heard about.
I don't know what happened. she just hung up the phone and tore out of here.
Jasmine hung up the phone right away when she realized that it was a crank call.
On the phone LinZhi shouted along while, but the little hero has hung up the phone!
At that point, the son hung up the phone. The parents heard nothing more from him.
Then she hung up the phone. "They wouldn't listen to me," she told us, almost in tears.
I could not help complaining to anybody who existed in the world after I hung up the phone.
Lily: you hung up the phone with me, and you called her? You didn't even give me a chance to explain.
Mother had just hung up the phone when we came bursting through the back door, into the kitchen of our apartment.
I have not said so, but hung up the phone, my heart a long time can not be calm look at the hands of the "Three Kingdoms."
When finished, I hung up the phone, and the result was a simple slide show that anyone in my family could play back with ease.
As soon as I hung up the phone, I got my tape recorder, my large umbrella and a wooden chair. "I'm going to record our son some thunder, " I told Pat.
Hung up the phone, open the dormitory door, ready to go to school and suddenly saw him, leaning against the corridor outside the dormitory, but also constantly breathing.
Here's the meter reading for the phone calls made on March 12. This is your call to Japan. This is the starting time and the time you hung up the phone. This is the number you called.
I'm sorry, I shouted into the phone, I thought our objective was to win, and I hung up.
He handed the phone to the white coat, who calmly spoke the address into it, as if nothing at all strange were happening, and then hung up.
He handed the phone to the white coat, who calmly spoke the address into it, as if nothing at all strange were happening, and then hung up.