Last December they hunted down and killed one of the gangsters.
At last he was hunted down and killed by hanging.
Those who escaped from the battlefield were hunted down.
But after the death of Cleopatra, Octavian had him hunted down and killed.
The farmers will not be satisfied till all the local foxes have been hunted down.
He's my son and I love him and obviously I don't want him hunted down and jailed.
Of course they were hunted down and punished as pirates by the countries who they stole from.
Unfortunately for them, during this time black cats were regularly hunted down and burned alive.
How else could someone just stand by and watch while their own children were hunted down like dogs?
He hunted down past surveys of scientific honesty and subjected them to what is known as a meta-analysis.
She accepts a thing about oil tanker after the ownership of the case by inexplicably killer hunted down and killed.
We just need to call them what they are - killers and fanatics who have to be rooted out, hunted down, and destroyed.
In Australia white settlers regarded Aborigines as a pest and hunted them down, much as kangaroos are hunted down today.
Lost is back for a fifth season and to get a little dish on what to expect, I hunted down the man driving all the Sixers back to the island.
Together with her many "sister" clones, they are the products of a scientific movement and are in great danger of being hunted down and killed.
Sverdrup and Munk hunted down old weather maps, then plugged the weather data into their model to "hindcast" wave heights for each Pan Am landing.
Meanwhile, in Congress, the few remaining pragmatic Republican centrists, like Senator Richard Lugar, are being hunted down by tea-party activists.
Does its absurdity require one to escape it through hope or suicide — this is what must be clarified, hunted down, and elucidated while brushing aside all the rest.
The Scepter is destroyed when the last of the sorcerer-kings (now potent liches) are hunted down and killed. Of course, the Scepter is powerless against its makers.
Recently, Luo Yufeng (Sister feng) posted a poster in the WOW with the title of "I dreamed of being hunted down by genies, which has aroused my interest to represent for WOW."
And they hunted down and killed a man known as Dulmantin, who had long been on Indonesia's most-wanted list, suspected of being involved in a 2002 attack on the island of Bali.
During the course of that week, at different places along the coast, his seventeen sons were hunted down like rabbits by invisible criminals who aimed at the center of their crosses of ash.
I'm a magistrate; and if I catch a breath of complaint against you, if it's only for a piece of incivility like tonight's, I'll take effectual means to have you hunted down and routed out of this.
But many others have also highlighted the pressures that Cheng Guorong faced from crazed netizens and admirers who hunted him down after his photos were discovered online.
But many others have also highlighted the pressures that Cheng Guorong faced from crazed netizens and admirers who hunted him down after his photos were discovered online.