One method of solving the problem was a hybrid car, one that ran partly on petrol and partly on electricity.
Hybrid rate: 1000 events per minute with 4500 method invocations per minute.
Long Polling: Also known as Asynchronous Polling, this method is a hybrid of pure server push and client pull.
Dr Christakis and Dr Fowler suggest that a hybrid method might be developed in which the search queries of a group of highly connected (ie, popular) individuals could be scanned for signs of the flu.
If you're not ready to take the Objective-C plunge, there is a hybrid method that combines the browser-built approach with the benefits of native development.
如果你还没有准备好冒险去尝试objective - C语言,这里有一种结合本地开发和内置浏览器好处的混合方法。
Us and Australian scientists have pioneered a new hybrid method for genomic sequencing that is faster and cheaper than state of the art technologies.
For a typical assembly stress problem, digital simulation is conducted by means of the hybrid method with different numerical calculation methods.
Aiming at the limitation of traditional reliability distribution methods, a hybrid method of reliability distribution was presented for the whole life cycle of products.
The new hybrid method combines the best of new and old code cracking methods for "fingerprinting" the genetic basis of life.
A hybrid method was proposed for cell image segmentation based on histogram analysis using scale space approach and probability relaxation.
Using the genomes of six ocean bacteria, the scientists evaluated the utility and cost effectiveness of the old and new methods to show that a hybrid method was better than either method on its own.
Interaction of parts of large scatters with wedges is studied by using a hybrid method.
A new hybrid method of crossovers is proposed for improving the performance of an evolutionary algorithm for constrained optimization based on hybrid crossovers and intermittent mutation.
The nucleic acid probe, manufacture and labelling technology, hybrid method of nucleic acid molecule, and the current application status of nucleic acid probe were introduced in this paper.
It is shown hybrid method can be used to calculate bistatic RCS and to analyse bistatic scattering mechanism.
A hybrid method is presented for automatic Chinese discourse structure analysis in this paper.
The experimental results agree well with that obtained by finite element method proving that this hybrid method is a suceesful one.
An eight-node solid element with two parallel faces and one traction-free cylindrical surface is derived using the assumed stress hybrid method.
In this paper, a hybrid method which combines the physical optics method with the rays theory is used for calculating the radiation fields of the reflector antenna.
The simulation and test results show that the hybrid method of Graphic and CAD is able to design circuit efficiently and easily, save development time and enhance design efficiency.
Meanwhile, the above conclusions are verified by the hybrid method results in which combined Moire interferometry with FEA.
A hybrid method is proposed and an algorithm is derived from phase plane correlation.
Three kinds of trajectory optimization methods including Indirect method, Hybrid method and Gauss pseudospectral method, as well as solving thoughts were given in this paper.
Chapter three: this chapter discuss mainly about the convergence of a new hybrid method.
The results show that the hybrid method can save more computational time and has advantages of satisfied precision and no more excrescent memory space in the computational processing.
Based on this, this paper proposes a hybrid method that simultaneously considers these three factors, and dynamically tunes the learning rate and regularization coefficient.
This paper summarizes the static calculating methods of vehicle frame, and especially presents the development of hybrid method and some application results.
The hybrid method is used to calculate nonuniform currents and fringe diffraction wave of objects.
The results obtained by the hybrid method are in good agreement with the results of moment method.
The results obtained by the hybrid method are in good agreement with the results of moment method.