"I also worry [that] without this impact, in the later part of the movie you might think the actor overacts in some scenes," Lee says.
So the direction that music goes can also affect how we feel about it, our mood about it, so I think the next question — I play another piece for you.
I know that you married Obama because he CARES about people and also you think he is a special person.
I hate to break it to you buddy, but when you married her you also married her debt. Yes, you should pay off her debt, and you should no longer think of it as "her debt."
I hope some of you will think also about serving in other parts of the world, where your skills may be even more desperately needed.
I also suggest telling your boss that you slaved away on these widgets, so that he'll think you worked extra hard this year and give you that raise you've been striving for.
Cuz I think when you described your undergraduate and later in history, I think what you were involved in is also looking at the history culture and the law.
I want to show you the Crab Nebula, and I think I will also show you the beautiful flywheels in the Magnet Lab.
I think what... the point of this question is I think what they want to do is see how you look at yourself. So can you evaluate your own performance in a way and also can you...
But you may want to think about this — if I throw the ball up, going to be away from the earth I'll bet you anything that the earth will also go away from the ball.
Can also be associated with anger, in which you think, "Why on earth should I care that so-and-so has a sunburn?"
并且,你可能对于这些无关信息产生怒 气,不明白“为什么我要关心某某人是否晒伤了?”
I've also felt sad some time, but when I think of you, I will regard those "sad matters" as nothing to feel sad about.
Then in terms of what you say, I think it's good to listen well to the erm... to the questions, to be also prepared in advance. And to prepare some questions to ask after the interview.
This is more difficult. You'll kick yourselves but you'll also think that I have cheated you.
Now with this blog, I not only have a space to say what I think and feel but also hear what you guys have to say as well.
Also because I think I didn't play my best tennis today, but, you know, I was running all the time, you know, and fighting until the end of the match.
You know, I think it's great also in a way because I've been through difficult times and I've worked really hard.
So I thought I'd enlighten you a little bit on that, and also give you some things to think about in your own relationship.
And I think what is also cool is that we use it in a much lower concentration than you would use it in anti-cancer treatment, and you also only apply it locally," he said.
I think you must also feel very sorry for the victims, but you can not do anything for them now.
Now I think this is the point at which we can see the importance of the extraordinary essay that I've also asked you to read, by Toni Morrison.
We are also planning a paper that talks about all this, so think of this article as a place-holder until the full paper comes along. I hope you find this background information useful.
You know what I think, think before you opened my mind, also let you know what I wish.
What if I told you that 801 also is the addition of alpha, because it's obviously one,and what do you think 800 would be?
Falling in love with you, I am extremely happy but also very painful, with you, I like the whole world, but I do not dare to think what would I have lost you.
So I think that within the context of a firm policy toward Iran, something that reaches out to the Iranian people is very important, and you rightly say that eyes on the ground is also very valuable.
So I think that within the context of a firm policy toward Iran, something that reaches out to the Iranian people is very important, and you rightly say that eyes on the ground is also very valuable.