I always oblige them since I am a people-person and also because I enjoy speaking Chinese.
I am a loving, caring, understanding and outgoing guy and I hope to get to know people, cultures and languages in other countries.
Like most people, I've long understood that I will be judged by my occupation, that my profession is a gauge people use to see how smart or talented I am.
They might be good for you, but I am a hermit and never meet new people.
With more and more people attaching great importance to the environment, I am confident that a bright future is awaiting us.
I am one of the many city people who are always saying that given the choice we would prefer to live in the country away from the dirt and noise of a large city.
And I am happy that my business provides a new way for people.
Now I think if I am ever highly successful, it will be because a bunch of people helped me get there.
When he reassures people about his motives, "it helps that I am a monk," he says.
When he reassures people about his motives, “it helps that I am a monk,” he says.
Now, I knew much more than most people, because while I am a developer, I also pay attention to various financial networks.
Yes, I do believe in energetic stuff like that...I am probably a typical Scorpio-rooster, people could say.
In my personality, I am not afraid of any difficulties with fortitude like boys, some people may say that I am a naughty girl when they meet me.
When I tell people that I am a user experience designer, I usually get a blank stare. I try to follow it up quickly by saying that I make stuff easy and pleasurable to use.
But I don't think I need a small piece of paper to help people remember who I am.
But I was kind of excited that all these people were angry because I am a troll and I enjoy getting a reaction out of people.
I like being a Congressman because I am fond of helping people.
And I am lonely sometimes when I come back home after a lecture trip, when I have seen a lot of people and talked a lot, and am full to the brim with experience that needs to be sorted out.
Running is now that part of the day that I am looking forward to like some people look forward to a huge piece of chocolate cake in the evening.
I am not a comics artist, and on this piece I would welcome the opinion of any people who are.
When I go around as a blind person, with my stick, ensure of myself among people, I feel that I am an object of respect and admiration.
It's just like a big family photo for me so I am pleased other people can share in the joy.
What a room full of talented, inspirational people and what am I doing in the midst of you?
Despite the fact that I am self-motivated and have a natural passion for what I do, I owe much to the generous people who have invested their time in me.
“I have four daughters,” he said, beaming, on a recent summer morning. “People say I am a rich man.
But I am one of those people who believe things usually happen for a reason, even if it is a bad one.
Don’t think that I am a weirdo but some people love to work until they drop during their vacation.
Meanwhile, I am nice to a whole range of people I wasn't bothered with before – doctors, nurses, teachers, and above all, other mothers, whether or not they are my type.
Meanwhile, I am nice to a whole range of people I wasn't bothered with before – doctors, nurses, teachers, and above all, other mothers, whether or not they are my type.