While their price spreads and cash-out delays have plagued the site for more than six months, I believe their current situation and recent statements belie transparency and suggest insolvency.
Like members of other oppressed groups, Jane nurses sentiments which belie her apparent quiescence: "I did not love my servitude" (p. 508).
Every day with you is an adventure, and I can't belie ve how lucky I am, and I can't wait to share my life with you forever. He puts the ring on Phoebe's finger.
I think you belie her, 'said Heathcliff, twisting his chair to face them.' she wishes to be out of my society now, at any rate! '!
I think you belie her, 'said Heathcliff, twisting his chair to face them.' she wishes to be out of my society now, at any rate! '!