I smiled to her and said, "Don't be nervous, I believe you can do it well."
I believe you can identify a lie or a liar by asking a person 6 simple questions.
I believe you can do everything you said you would, if you had a million dollars.
I believe you can only truly love one club in your career and my club is Arsenal.
Do I believe you can help change the world if you practice the techniques found inside it?
I believe you can, too, right? The past, we no longer pursue, in the future, by our master!
However, I believe you can all understand that such kind of exchanges should be based on public support.
I believe you can be a twitter star with a passion for life and a strong interest in writing your twitter.
This is the joy of growth, you try to read alone in a starry sky it, I believe you can have unexpected rewards.
By following the techniques outlined in this article, I believe you can tailor RUP to include the PMBOK best practices.
Sometimes simple words like "I believe you can make it" can give endless strength and faith to our desperate classmate.
I believe you can see my efforts, total translation, rely on your knowledge, you can judge whether I translated it by self or not.
I believe you can, even leaving Hua Lang, you will have your own piece of the sky, and I only hope that you can in your sky, give me a place to stay.
I believe you can do this only when you stop long enough to hear the whisper you might have drowned out, that small voice compelling you toward your calling.
Yes, the Refresh Token does expire… I am not sure, but I believe you can set the TTL or expiration of the token in the setup of the WAAD properties on azure.
The students, I believe you can understand my mood now, for my lofty ideals and high aspirations, to Macheng in a brilliant tomorrow, cast your holy one vote!
同学们,我相信你们都能理解我现在的心情,为了我的雄心壮志,为了麻城一中辉煌的明天 ,投上你们神圣的一票吧!
With these recommendations, I believe you can bring major changes in your life style hence attain back your mental peace. What are your recommendations in gaining mental peace?
My room was inward facing into a central quad area, but I believe you can get ones with a harbour view (probably at an extra charge) if you want to make your stay more pleasant.
"I still believe that the central question for the BBC is: can you maintain eye contact and ear contact with the British public?" he writes.
I don't believe what you said, but if you can prove it, you may be able to convince me.
I don’t believe what you said, but if you can prove it, you may be able to convince me.
Knowing you are interested in China, I do believe you can help me solve these puzzles.
I believe the only thing that can help you bounce back is your purpose in life.
But I don’t believe you can just see a person and know that they are right for you.
As I've looked over some of these — I've been reading more and more code for my classes and my research — I believe there are some general principles you can follow.
I don't believe that you can motivate others to do anything, it's something that comes from within.
ARNOLD: Well, we don't usually do it, but... I believe we can accommodate you on this.
ARNOLD: Well, we don't usually do it, but... I believe we can accommodate you on this.