I'm in the biology department, so that's about all I can tell you on that front.
It means I can phone you on what for me is a dreary, wretched Sunday afternoon and for you is the eve of a deadline, knowing you will tell me to come right over, if only to watch you type.
But, since I don’t like when people tell me I’m not cut out for something and then give me no pointers on how to become better, I will also explain how you can rectify the issue.
As I placed my groceries on the counter, she looked at me once more with giant tears in her kind eyes and began to speak. "Now I can tell you."
Especially because half the food systems come from the Russian side, and I can tell you there is very little vegetarian [fare] on the Russian menu.
Schrodinger came up with an equation that said: "you tell me the forces acting on the electron, and I can tell you what its wave is doing at any point in space and time."
People familiar with these moors often miss their road on such evenings; and I can tell you there is no chance of a change at present.
Since you have race and class demographics turned on, though, I can also tell you that college-educated black people tend to give that director's movies unusually bad reviews.
A: About the question on duration of the talks, I can tell you that the talks will continue tomorrow, but I do not have information on the exact concluding date of the talks.
I can tell you, based on the hundreds of take-down requests that we received at JuicyCampus, being kind, reasonable and sincere will be much more effective than being mean, threatening, or aggressive.
Senator, I want to tell you that you sure said a mouthful when you said taxes are too high and you’d work hard to lower them. Good to hear, and you can certainly count on my vote!
I think when we look back and can quantify it, we'll see it's pretty valuable to tell your network you are validating a viewpoint on something.
I can tell you that nothing irks coworkers more than having to deal with a personality that doesn’t mesh with their own on a daily basis.
I don't think what teachers tell you can compare to what you should know. So I believe it mainly depends on you own to achieve English proficiency.
He says, ''Ma'am, I'm blind but if you drop it on the counter I can tell you everything you need to know about it from the sound that it makes.''
Schrödinger came up with an equation that said: "You tell me the forces acting on the electron, and I can tell you what its wave is doing at any point in space and time."
But I can tell you this much; we lived in South Florida, so I can pretty much guarantee you that it was hotter than hell on Fry Day.
但我告诉你,我们住在南弗罗里达州,所以我能肯定在Fry Day天气热得要死。
“I can tell you that there was a time period of almost twenty to twenty-five minutes where we really didn’t know just exactly what was going on ” Panetta said later on “PBS NewsHour.”
I tell them that if you have an Internet in your home, school, or library, within seconds, you can be transported anywhere in the world and meet people on every continent.
I can tell you what I was searching for in every nook and cranny on that recruiting trip.
Having already spoken with the banker on numerous occasions, I can tell you that he is not in the least sympathetic to our situation.
I want to fix you because of my injury, those wrinkles that wounds you, I know, there are too many pain in your back, from now on, you can not tell.
Master, can you tell me something I am lacking? Something I cannot see that I need to work on?
Master, can you tell me something I am lacking? Something I cannot see that I need to work on?