If I was used to it I would say, 'OK, I can think about it.
It's not like I've ever written them down in a list, but sure I can think about it.
In the same way physicians used to smoke, and then stopped smoking and were able to talk to patients about it, I think physicians can have a bigger voice in it.
I think it is a good idea to set up a club like that! You can first give speeches about protecting the environment at school.
Firstly, you have to think about what can I do to respect the building and how can I bring it back to life?
This is dreadful, but the only thing that I can think to do about it is to urge people to keep out of other people's dreams by every means in their power.
And I think that Iran has many products that it can export to us, provided that they do not flood our markets, either, since we have our own national industries to think about.
I named this blog, "Make learning a habit" because I think that you can use what you learned about a specific topic or field and use it in other areas in life.
So the direction that music goes can also affect how we feel about it, our mood about it, so I think the next question — I play another piece for you.
So yes, I suppose you might call it gold country, but how can anyone think about gold with bears round every corner?
But the reason I am so passionate about leadership is I think it can be learned.
I hope the book sells like hotcakes and stays in print forever, so I can go on recommending it to anyone who wants to know how to think about language.
If you think about each of them - grip, stance, posture, and alignment - you can imagine why it was that I did not hit too many golf balls in that first lesson.
I think we need to begin developing maps of [picture with concentric circles] these territories so that we can talk about it across disciplins.
This is not that much, but I think it is enough to show that 99.9% of websites can be coded in GWT and hosted on GAE without thinking about the slashdot effect.
Now, I want to ask a question that we're going to need to think about, the two of you sitting up front here, when I was asking you how you responded to it. Can we have a moral response to this novel?
And I started to think more and more about what this program could become. And the people it can serve and the values and the ideals that could also address..
"I hope there will be a time I can beat Michael Phelps without the suit of course and I hope that it could be next year or the next two years but I also think it's not all about the suit," he added.
It's still hard to talk about it, but I think immediately it's like for my kids' sake, I have to look out how can I make them happy.
But I don't think it can be at the core in terms of what's bad about death.
"It's a possibility," he says. "But I don't know anyone who has tested it and I can think of many exceptions to any rule you come up with about what narrow interests or other traits each gender has."
Don't tell me I didn't think about it. I would rather prefer to live like this, where at least I can have my son by me at night.
This winter, it is undergoing its worst drought for 50 years, and I can only imagine what local farmers think about using scarce water to make "snow" for wealthy madmen to slide down.
I can show it to you now, if you like. I think it goes back about 8 generations so far.
Even with some named constants to stand for tuple positions, this version is certainly harder to read (but I think it is about the best you can do directly with tuple trees).
Even with some named constants to stand for tuple positions, this version is certainly harder to read (but I think it is about the best you can do directly with tuple trees).